Following an announcement on Tuesday by the National Horseracing Authority of South Africa that investigations had revealed that the judges at Borrowdale Park had posted an incorrect result for the fifth race on Sunday, two betting entities have followed the goodwill gesture set by on Monday.
Hollywood announced that, besides paying out on the official incorrect result, it would also honour bets struck on the actual winner, erroneously placed second by the judges.
The NHA made an official finding today and an internal inquiry will follow.
TAB have now announced that they will add R31,686 – the value of the total net Win pool on the race in question- to the Win pool on the fifth race at the next Borrowdale Park racemeeting.
TAB paid out all winning bets on the race as per the official result of 1-4-3-7-5 declared by the NHA judges, but it later emerged that the judges had made a mistake and that Print The Pounds(4) had in fact won the race and beaten Eurakilon (1).
In a further gesture of goodwil, corporate bookmaking chain Betting World is also paying out all win bets on both Eurakilon (1) and Print The Pounds (4).