Who Thinks What

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Mervyn Padayachie

24th July 2024

Opportunity Knocks – Cape Caller Heads To Malaysia

Dream come true.👏👏. Wishing you nothing
but success for the future. Go well and stay
safe young


joao da mata

24th July 2024

Appeal Upheld – Cape Jockey Looks Forward To Next Season

The ONLY issue we should all be concerned with is an issue I have taken up with many in racing. But let me tell you a story 1st, I recently met a person that served over 10 years of a life sentence and was "pardoned" based on age and other factors. During our meeting the conversation ended up about his arrest. During him telling me the story and "highlighting" that the "lawyers" had missed key points and that is why he went to prison I asked " but were you not guilty ? did you in fact not do what they said?"

"thats not the point" I was told.

I love horse racing and I want it to be a clean and fair sport.

My issue is that for decades "lawyers" have gotten guilty people off on technicalities .I dont care if Robert is innocent or guilty because Ill never know. Ill never know because its all botched up. No information to the public, NO MEDIA at these hearings. NO one reporting on the case.

So my issue is simple. I dont know if anyone is innocent in SA Racing of anything because I reckon there are at many cases "lost" on mistakes made by the prosecution. That cannot be good.

Now you might say, well thats the job of the lawyer. You are indeed correct BUT it's the job of the prosecutor to make sure they have a robust case with NO ways'



24th July 2024

Hollywoodbets Durbanville: Racing Is On At This Stage

Word is: It's on. Just bring your own


Luke Bradshaw

24th July 2024

Hollywoodbets Durban July – Bling Walloped With Massive Fine And Time Off

Turn it up Mr. Jacob's, , the racing whip exists for many reasons , after a race the course vet examines every horse in the parade ring , if weals are observed and the the strikes are exceeded then throw the book at the race


Michael Jacobs

24th July 2024

Hollywoodbets Durbanville: Racing Is On At This Stage

We missed 2 glorious days. And the weather forecast was spot-on! Sunny Monday and Tuesday, rain to start Wednesday through the rest of the


Sidwell Kunyane

24th July 2024

Appeal Upheld – Cape Jockey Looks Forward To Next Season

Very powerful words Robert,"Here we are today through faith and kindness,"The devil is defeated,can someone tell me ,who elects this biased NHRA board? something wrong with this board maybe those responsible need to elect people with fresh minds, remember DeKock and Alec Laird runners who were scratched for July unfairly ,can't remember which year and the recent November Handicap whereby Peter horses did not participate the entire race after the first race,Really something wrong with this board or let's take up upon ourselves


Gareth Goliath

24th July 2024

Appeal Upheld – Cape Jockey Looks Forward To Next Season

Sounds like someone lost a serious bet on the horse. Such harse and swift action.As far as I can remember this issue was handled with such speed it's unheard of for the powers that be. Hidden agenda se dinges!!!! Owners, punters, trainers, jocks will have to stick together to get their point across. Without this quartet no1 will stand in the pay out queue

Michael Jacobs

24th July 2024

Appeal Upheld – Cape Jockey Looks Forward To Next Season

Please show a replay of the race so that the racing public can make up their own minds about the validity of the outcome either way.

There are a few things at play here- the inconsistency and randomness of the NHA, jockeys not riding out their mounts to the line, odds-on favourites inexplicably losing key positions affecting exotic bets. So the NHA is not wrong in ensuring honest and true racing, and jockeys are not entirely blameless. However, the inconsistent way the rule is applied is the concern. There are far too few enquiries into suspect riding. In other jurisdictions jockeys are regularly called in and tactics/riding queried. Trainers too. In South Africa it is a rarity! For every odds-on favourite that loses there should be a "race review, maybe not announced but definitely post-race with feedback to the betting public. When last was a trainer questioned and/or warned about inconsistent form!? So my point is that Khathi has been singled out and would have been severely punished but for the good Samaritans, whereas too many jockeys get away with "murder", fancied horses running a "dirty fourth" and not a question from the stipes!?
Therein lies the conundrum, singling out Khathi and many others getting away


Frankie Zackey

24th July 2024

Tarry Aims At Gold On Sunday

Frankie Zackey... I thought the same thing on July Day,,where weights favored him to finish right


Frankie Zackey

24th July 2024

Hollywoodbets Durban July – Bling Walloped With Massive Fine And Time Off

Frankie Zackey... What a load of BS ... Mr know it all,,rather turn the game up


Michael Jacobs

24th July 2024

Hollywoodbets Durban July – Bling Walloped With Massive Fine And Time Off

I agree with Mr Bergh 💯. The whip is medieval and impugns the image of horse racing. Just remember that there is a far more powerful mechanism to control the horse- a bit. A bit through the mouth in itself is jarring for a horse and could be painful. Therefore the whip is overkill. By all means carry a whip to flick at a horse on the way down to start, but after that it is not necessary. Skillful horsemen/women should not need a whip, their technique, skills, upper-body strength, hands and heels and synergy with a horse should be enough to induce performance and encouragement! What are they being taught at the jockey


Barry Dunnett

24th July 2024

A Little Bit Of Inspiration

Go for it - your talent will come


Barry Dunnett

24th July 2024

Appeal Upheld – Cape Jockey Looks Forward To Next Season

Go for it Robert! Best


Mark Deane

23rd July 2024

Tarry Aims At Gold On Sunday

Strictly at the weights, Nebraas has this field stone cold. It's been a while since I've seen a horse so well weighted relative to his career achievements. The challenge, of course, is that at his age, there's no guarantee that he can consistently turn out his best form race after race. So it remains to be seen if he can replicate the zip and enthusiasm he showed on July day. If he does, he


Wayne Fouche

23rd July 2024

Appeal Upheld – Cape Jockey Looks Forward To Next Season

Another disgraceful performance from


Luke Bradshaw

23rd July 2024

Hollywoodbets Durban July – Bling Walloped With Massive Fine And Time Off

Poor comment , he tried to win the race as per his contract to ride, the horse, and NHA rules with the exception of strikes with the feather light racing


Neill De Bruyn

23rd July 2024

Hollywoodbets Durban July – Bling Walloped With Massive Fine And Time Off

Thanks mr Ed, I read the piece about Zac Purton.
Piere Strydom is not a great proponent of the whip, I can't recall him ever being fined, even last year when so close to winning the July, he only gave SIA a couple of strikes at the death.
He admitted afterwards (I think I read this in SP as well), that when he saw Winchester Mansion going the better of the two, he allowed SIA to 'drift' slightly onto WM in order to 'intimidate' the latter a bit.
Piere is 'n regte ou jakkals, or in English a wily old fox !
See you at your best on Sunday, Piere 👍


Leo Murfin

23rd July 2024

Hollywoodbets Durban July – Bling Walloped With Massive Fine And Time Off

Hi ED, Could you please ask the Stipendiary stewards to inform/explain the public how they count each strike made by each individual jockey for the whole distance of the race ? Or is it just a random choice and what special video equipment do they use because the videos we see of the race it will be impossible to count the strikes ?



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