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Adrian Holloway

29th July 2024

‘Zola Budd Also Ran Without Shoes’-Barend Botes

I wouldnt even consider Jhb...take her to CT for a warm up...then Guineas and Majorca....mission accomplished...Jhb features have no stud book value compared to the above...with her own lack of breeding substance she can do with the best bold type in her own racing


Rian Rix

29th July 2024

‘Zola Budd Also Ran Without Shoes’-Barend Botes

Well done to all the connections, she sure can turn it on
I'm really hoping that Lance is the next Jet Master, that's going to be a great story



29th July 2024

Nervous Moments – But Grant Clinches It

Hi Fred
Have asked the Stipes.
Change informed on morning of raceday. So could also be 'flight complications' or 'family commitments'.

Fredrick Cochrane

29th July 2024

Nervous Moments – But Grant Clinches It

Before Aldo can teach anybody anything - he must learn not to get carded at weights he cannot ride - it's happened too many times this


Fredrick Cochrane

29th July 2024

Nervous Moments – But Grant Clinches It

This filly looked 👌 in the parade ring and with the tailwind had conditions to suit.

With the more experienced and accomplished AD carded to ride I was looking forward to the run.

Again there was a late jockey change required.

What if some with Grants ability wasn't available - then the punters would be inconvenienced again.

Editor - please can you find out why AD couldn't ride - if he couldn't make the weight then it's not the first time it's happened this season - something needs to done about


Frankie Zackey

29th July 2024

Future Pearl Is Going For Gold

Frankie Zackey... Well Done... I've managed to bail myself out of jail... Slowly know don't get carried away,, it's a new season coming up soon,, so no more fly by night info pls boet... keep it


Michael Jacobs

29th July 2024

‘Zola Budd Also Ran Without Shoes’-Barend Botes

Over the years I have observed that very few juveniles win from wide draws in the Greyville winter season, so this win marks Quid Pro Quo as something very special. Juveniles with big reputations have floundered at the tight Durban venue, so we have a superstar in the making, congratulations to the


Fredrick Cochrane

29th July 2024

Suzette Viljoen’s Gelding Gets Mercury Rising

I decided many years ago that i would always wait for raceday - parade ring - canter past before deciding my race selections.

Yesterday was a good example why - the tail wind was very strong which gave Dave and Royal Palace huge advantages.

It also made it virtually impossible for hold up horses to win even though plenty ran on during the


Mark Beck

29th July 2024

Fresh Dave Leads Them A Merry Dance

Hey Cecil
Finally you have found a winner
Get Ed to send me your number so I can sort out your jacket from Bush n Bundu I take it you won't need directions to get


Mark Beck

29th July 2024

Fresh Dave Leads Them A Merry Dance

Hi Ray
A three year old takes a hammering when running in the July it's a tough race
So I totally don't understand why trainers run them here instead of giving them a well deserved break for the new


Mark Beck

29th July 2024

Boys Humbled By Peter Filly

Top Class effort from Trainer and Jockey both considered down and out for the count and they just bounce back
It's time to admit this Peter Boy knows his stuff all these stories of doping etc by those who do exactly the same just isn't Cricket
I challenge anyone to the fact that there isn't one trainer in this land ..*Ed removed pending a rephrasal*
Get over the back stabbing and race man to man
Again Congrats Tony you have proven you are man enough to take the punch and then offer the other


Mark Beck

29th July 2024

Future Pearl Is Going For Gold

The one thing I enjoy about you boys up north is julle is reguit
If the horse looses well best I leave the country lol
You guys tell one do it again and I'll more you
Down south they don't say a word face to face but boy can you feel the knife twist in your back
I have a bakkie to assist you with collecting your winnings from the booking don't think I didn't see Red Palace shorten in the


Greg Davies

29th July 2024

Suzette Viljoen’s Gelding Gets Mercury Rising

Wonder what Fourie shouted at Rachel Venniker as they passed the winning post? His own fault for a lousy ride on Lucky Lad. Ten lengths off turning for home in a Grade 1 sprint on the Greyville turn is asking for trouble (yeah, the draw didn't help). And him flailing around like a deranged jack-in-the-box against Venniker's beautiful low technique was quite a contrast over the last


Greg Davies

29th July 2024

Plattner Power Grab Gold

The ride aboard Zeus must be one of the worst in a stakes race this year...uncomfortable watching that race suicide unfold down the back straight. Gold Cup is not the race and distance to be trying "tricks" like that. One to watch next time in Jo'burg with a different


Adrian Holloway

29th July 2024

Nervous Moments – But Grant Clinches It

What is it with this Van Niekerk guy...isnt he ever going to learn...during the Cape seaon he was at one stage warned by the Stipes that his riding has come under scrutiny and thereafter he was fined and suspended several times...
Now again these rides on Red Palace and Zeus....the latters owners have actually lodged an official complaint with the Stipes....
I think any owner who allows him to ride his horse...even more so when the money is down...should have his head read...
And what irks me the most is that he appears to regard it as a joke....I wont be half sad to see him get a proper 6 mths+


Assistant Editor

29th July 2024

Suzette Viljoen’s Gelding Gets Mercury Rising

The Stipes Reported:

RACE 6 Ref : 845 MERCURY SPRINT (Grade 1) : R1 000 000 : About 1200m

Starter : T Miya Loading Time : 52 sec No. of Runners : 12

Carded Time: 15:30:00
Rescheduled Time: -
Off Time: 15:30:26
Provisional Result: 15:33:21
All Clear: 15:39:20

a) I AM GIANT (K Matsunyane), AT MY COMMAND (C Zackey) and SUN BLUSHED (R A Venniker) lost 1 length.

a) Approaching the 1100m ROYAL AUSSIE (K de Melo) and SNOW PILOT (G van Niekerk) were tightened for galloping room in a tightly bunched field when they received some pressure from GOLDEN SICKLE (C Habib) which commenced to hang out upon leaving the starting stalls. Jockey C Habib was interviewed by the Stewards and he stated that this filly prefers a straight course sprint race and as this was her second race on a right-handed turn, she was not able to keep to a straight course despite his corrective efforts. The Board noted this explanation.
b) Shortly before entering the straight AT MY COMMAND (C Zackey) was eased to avoid running onto the heels of SNOW PILOT (G van Niekerk). Thereafter AT MY COMMAND (C Zackey) hung in, in the concluding stages.
c) At the 350m LUCKY LAD (R Fourie) was brushed out by SUN BLUSHED (R A Venniker) which was switched out off the heels of MRS BROWNING (G Lerena) which was hanging out throughout, to obtain a clear run.
d) ROYAL... read more

Assistant Editor

29th July 2024

Boys Humbled By Peter Filly

The Stipes Reported:

R1 000 000 : About 1600m

Starter : S Leslie Loading Time : 1:23 sec No. of Runners : 14

Carded Time: 14:40:00
Rescheduled Time: -
Off Time: 14:41:05
Provisional Result: 14:44:04
All Clear: 14:51:50

a) A fair start.
a) FAMILY LAW (L Mxothwa) and THE SPECIALIST (S Khumalo) over-raced in the early stages.
b) At approximately the 500m KAMENSKY (R Danielson) was brushed in by GREAT PLAINS (K de Melo) which rolled in.
c) FRENCH FLAME (C Zackey), COSMIC SPEED (G van Niekerk) and LEGEND OF ARTHUR (R Fourie) were hanging in from the 200m.
d) In the concluding stages THE SPECIALIST (S Khumalo) was initially brushed in and thereafter was bumped in by GRAND CRESCENDO (M Yeni) which was hanging in from the 400m. As a consequence, both horses became unbalanced.
e) Jockeys R Danielson (KAMENSKY) and G Lerena (MOUNT PINATUBO) reported that they felt something amiss in the running with their respective mounts. The Veterinary Surgeon was requested to examine.
f) VJ’S ANGEL (C Habib), the winner, was selected for the taking of specimens for analysis. Trainer A P Peter advised (SP).
a) TRUTH raced fitted with a tongue tie (advised 23.07.2024/09h30) and equipped with ear... read more

Assistant Editor

29th July 2024

Fresh Dave Leads Them A Merry Dance

The Stipes Reported:

RACE 8 Ref : 847 THE HKJC CHAMPIONS CUP (Grade 1) : R1 500 000 : About 1800m

Starter : S Leslie Loading Time : 1:40 sec No. of Runners : 09

Carded Time: 16:50:00
Rescheduled Time: -
Off Time: 16:53:54
Provisional Result: 16:59:25
All Clear: 17:12:35

The start of this race was delayed due to Jockey P Strydom having to re-saddle SEE IT AGAIN at the start and due to SEE IT AGAIN (P Strydom) and FLAG MAN (S Moodley) proving stubborn to load.

a) SEE IT AGAIN (P Strydom) was stubborn to load.

a) SEE IT AGAIN (P Strydom) which raced wide around the turn and without cover, over-raced in the early and middle stages.
b) At the 900m BARBARESCO (G Lerena) was brushed by SEE IT AGAIN (P Strydom) which rolled in marginally. As a result SEE IT AGAIN (P Strydom) became momentarily unbalanced.
c) At the 250m HLUHLUWE (G van Niekerk) and in turn FLAG MAN (S Moodley) were carried out by ROYAL VICTORY (M Yeni) which rolled out.
d) PURPLE PITCHER (C Habib) and SEE IT AGAIN (P Strydom), which was hanging in from the 350m, raced in close proximity in the concluding stages. An Objection was lodged by Jockey C Habib on behalf of the joint third placed horse PURPLE PITCHER, against the other joint third placed horse SEE IT AGAIN (P Strydom) on the grounds of interference in the concluding stages. In view of... read more

Assistant Editor

29th July 2024

‘Zola Budd Also Ran Without Shoes’-Barend Botes

The Stipes Reported:

RACE 4 Ref : 843 DOUGLAS WHYTE STAKES (Grade 1) : R1 000 000 : About 1600m

Starter : S Ngcobo Loading Time : 44 sec No. of Runners : 12

Carded Time: 13:50:00
Rescheduled Time: -
Off Time: 13:53:30
Provisional Result: 13:56:20
All Clear: 14:01:30

The start of this Race was delayed due to the farrier having to attend to the right front shoe on QUID PRO QUO (S Khumalo) at the start. The farrier was unable to replace the right front shoe, and after the Stewards had consulted with Trainer B Botes, was instructed to remove the left front shoe. Consequently QUID PRO QUO raced unshod in front.

a) A fair start.

a) At the 600m HONORABLE MEMBER (C Maujean) ran onto and clipped the heels of VISIONOFPEACE (R Danielson).
b) SPIRIT OF LEVANA (G Lerena) was hanging in, in the concluding stages.
c) In view of the performance of VISIONOFPEACE (R Danielson) (20.60 lengths, 80/1 in the betting), the Veterinary Surgeon was requested to examine.
d) QUID PRO QUO (S Khumalo), the winner, was selected for the taking of specimens for analysis. Trainer B D Botes advised (DZ).
a) Nil.

a) Nil.

a) VISIONOFPEACE : Nothing obvious detected.

a) FORWARD MOTION :... read more

Assistant Editor

29th July 2024

Plattner Power Grab Gold

The Stipes Reported:

RACE 7 Ref : 846 WORLD POOL GOLD CUP (Grade 3) : R1 000 000 : About 3200m

Starter : T Miya Loading Time : 1:06 sec No. of Runners : 15

Carded Time: 16:10:00
Rescheduled Time: -
Off Time: 16:13:33
Provisional Result: 16:18:36
All Clear: 16:24:20

The start of this race was delayed due to ZEUS (G van Niekerk) proving difficult when proceeding to the start.

a) ZEUS (G van Niekerk) lost 1 length.

a) ZEUS (G van Niekerk) proved difficult when proceeding to the start and had to be led. Trainer F Habib was advised that should this gelding behave in a similar manner in the future, it may be suspended.
b) ZEUS (G van Niekerk) over-raced in the early and middle stages. Shortly after entering the back straight ZEUS (G van Niekerk) raced wide around the field and took up a leading position.
c) Following the race, the Stewards received an official written complaint from the connections of ZEUS and will enquire into the circumstances of the race and if there has been a possible contravention of Rule 62.2.9 (pertaining to a rider taking all reasonable measures to ensure that he rides to the instructions given to him by the authorised persons).
d) ARAGOSTA (S Moodley) was hanging in from the 300m.
e) In the concluding stages SHOOT THE RAPIDS (M Yeni) was brushed in by FUTURE SWING (S... read more



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