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George Hamish

30th July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

According to Leonard Gavin won with Zeus from the front not so long ago, waiting to see which race he was talking about? Maybe in his


Gareth Goliath

30th July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

Does all the proceeds of these fines go to horse care or does it stay with the big shots at the table. It's tough being a jock in these times you try to hard you get burned, you do too little you get questioned. Rules are rules but 30k and 50k fines at a time is abit over the


Nabeel Ebrahim

30th July 2024

Boys Humbled By Peter Filly

Unlucky Mr Odendaal, this was going to be your first group 1 as a trainer... clearly the interference inside the last 50m where The Specialist lost all momentum and almost came down cost him the race.

To lose all momentum and virtually all balance inside the final 50m after being constantly interefered with for atleast 100m and only go down by half a length to a horse in full cry with no traffic is


Neill De Bruyn

30th July 2024

Fresh Dave Leads Them A Merry Dance

Cousin Casey making the cash register go ching ching all the time during the KZN season, 4 runs, 4 seconds.
Nice type of horse to own.


Frankie Zackey

30th July 2024

The Jury’s Out On Gavin At Vaal

Frankie Zackey... The Powerful Tony Peter Yard ended off the season on 101 winners,, that takes something very special to achieve that NUMBER...For a 1st season trainer surely that's got to be a Record ? 🙏🇱🇧🚀🥂 I'm extremely happy that the Champ Main Defender played a huge part...Well Done TO TONY PAUL MARC JOHN GROOMS AND WORKRIDERS...What A



30th July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

Who was stable elect,


Cameron James

30th July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

Frank I was on course and Zeus was giving the handler and Grant a torrid time going to the start. Grant had to walk 400m to the start. Could it be a bit of the horse running away with Grant?

We've not heard his version of the events. Pound for pound this jockey is right up there with the best if them, he has great hands. Agreed he's kamikaze at times but highly talented. The Snaiths are a very professional outfit and he was the stable



30th July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

Which ride are you referring to,


George Hamish

30th July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

Leonard where is the video of the


Sally Blinman

30th July 2024

Former SA Champion For Australia

You go Lyle...
The world is your


Theodore John Roelofsz

30th July 2024

Asithandile Mgadeni Celebrates Big Win For His Star Filly

Just goes to show...whoever is prepared to work HARD, HONESTLY, HUMBLY, HUMANELY with HUMILITY, he m/she shall be rewarded.HEALTHILY...!!!
Well deserved and well done Asithandile...


Craig Reyneke

30th July 2024

Nervous Moments – But Grant Clinches It

I suggest you do not include any horse that Grant rides,I'm going to think you are going to be out a lot


George McDonald

30th July 2024

The Jury’s Out On Gavin At Vaal

Frankie. The Peter Yard.
Yeah, The Petr Yard.
Any news on the R 70 million


Frankie Zackey

30th July 2024

The Jury’s Out On Gavin At Vaal

Frankie Zackey...100th winner for the season for The Peter yard...



30th July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

Cheers Cecil.
Geniet die Kit Kat.
Dankie vie al jou


Kiran Maharaj

30th July 2024

Asithandile Mgadeni Celebrates Big Win For His Star Filly

Triple crown achievement.


Thulebona mpofana

30th July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

Bottom line... you follow the trainers instructions ..jockeys opinion don't matter especially if you've never ridden the horse .if you do your own thing and you don't pull it off you must fully accept the criticism. I find your your last point irrelevant.. racing is not only about punting. and why should a 33/1 shot be downgraded to a non


Richard Jones

30th July 2024

Fresh Dave Leads Them A Merry Dance

Absolutely correct. Flag Man should not have run.
The jockey also overcompensated after he was criticised for his July ride. Shows a lack of self


George Hamish

30th July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

Leonard please tell me which race this was, i would love to know. Bet I don’t get a reply from this. Maybe upload the video of


Cecil Pienaar

30th July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

Hello Michael
I dont criticize Jocks on this platform, maybe once or so when races were called off for a 3.5mm downpour on a sunny day.

In a way I'm glad connections are making a noise. I've always found it strange that a Jock can get 3 months off for not trying to get best place. My question then is always; do the connections agree ! If so, this Jock won't be on their horses next time. If not, it should be mitigating in the Jocks defense

In the Zeus case, I have seen worse form than his running 4th or 5th earning 50k or 25k for the connections

It'll be interesting to see the NHA outcome on this, they love fining

In summary, Grant could have had an even worse day, luckily that winning post was only 25M away
Otherwise North and South would have been
peed of with him after Race 9.

Hello Mr Ed, this is where I take a KNP winter break with the Jocks. This year I qualify for Senior Citizen's discount🙂
Thank you and SP team for another magic HWbets Winter season coverage

A.Falls/KNP 🦁




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