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Frankie Zackey

1st August 2024

Shaw Winners At Hollywoodbets Durbanville

Frankie Zackey...Morning Morning Morning Mr Ed,, Firstly I'll like to thank you for all the hard work You and Your Brilliant Team have done over the last 12 months... Very Well Done Guys 👏🥂 ... Mr Ed,, would you know if a 1st season trainer has ever trained a 101 winners before ? Surely this must be a 1st time not only in South African but worldwide ??? The 28 year old Tony Peter surely deserves some recognition from 4racing for achieving such a remarkable result...Talk about a magical moment,, this is definitely one that will never be forgotten..Surely this is one RECORD that Hollywoodbets can safely say will never be broken ??? It will be great to see if 4racing and maybe Gold Circle re cognize this remarkable achievement done by Tony Peter... Let's not forget that the Peter yard was under heavy 24,7 surveillance for 10 months,, stipes and the NHA security walking in and out of Tony's yard from 6am until 13:00... I believe that they are still chasing their own shadows..BTW we are still waiting on answers from Summer Cup day... After all the abuse the Peter's were put through i can't think of any normal human-being that's involved in training would still be around.. It will be crazy of me not to congratulate the Powerful Yard and present them with a Bottle of J/B along with a lovely Braai for the whole Peter Team,,dogs,, cats and rats included...It will be great if Arnold Hyde could post a comment on Tony Peter's achievement... Anyway I wish everyone the very best... read more


1st August 2024

Hollywoodbets Durbanville: Wednesday Moves To Thursday

Hi Roy
We don't forget. The matter is ongoing. The media is not allowed access into the hearings. The NHRA has issued no media release to update the racing public.
Captured? No sorry to disappoint you.

Mervyn Padayachie

1st August 2024

Jacey’s First Winner Joy

Goodluck Barend and Keep your filly
happy Best. Stay focused


Roy Sukdhev

1st August 2024

Hollywoodbets Durbanville: Wednesday Moves To Thursday

Kindly advise on the latest about case between Tony Peter and NHRA re the alleged milkshaking It seems this matter has been forgotten by Sporting Post. Will appreciate some feedback or SPORTING POST


Gregg Clarke

1st August 2024

Another Champion Bloodline Sneaks Off To Stud

You raise many truths. Quality is Quality and only foolishness looks past


Gregg Clarke

31st July 2024

Catalogue Pages – Not Always Balance Sheets!

As undeniably good as she is, QPQ has definitely come out of left field to be a pedigree enigma - one that is so hard to rationally find based on fact. That she could win a few was always a reasonable probability but to predict that she would win 5 races on the bounce and 3 Group races incl 2 x G1 was not forseeable by any measure. Barend Botes maintains he knew she would be good and whilst his judgement is not questioned, it is hard to know what he saw. What a remarkable horse however. Take nothing away from her. Can only wish him and his owners continued success with this amazing young


Dennis Robert mbhundzu

31st July 2024

Former SA Champion For Australia

Yah foshore he is a good jockey and i like much his riding style and he is a true


Michael Jacobs

31st July 2024

Asithandile Mgadeni Celebrates Big Win For His Star Filly

While I commend the groom for his winning filly and his fabulous incentive prize, I do think though that in South Africa we should also award a prize to the groom of the best -turned out horse, or at the very least split the prize between the winning groom and the best turned out horse. All over the world the groom prize is for the best-turned out horse, and not necessarily the groom of the winning horse. Grooms of winning horses are usually rewarded by the connections anyway!

Some grooms and trainers go the extra mile to turn their horses out beautifully (the Azzie stable is a case in point), and a prize of this nature I feel is more deserving for a hard-working, accomplished individual who takes pride in his work and his charge. The best turned out horse is announced before the race, on the way to the start, and it is a boost to the individual whose horse is announced as the best turned out. Also a well turned-out horse is usually a good pointer to wellbeing, fitness and performance of a horse.

If we want to raise the levels of our grooms in terms of professionalism, skill, competence and pride in what they do, this would be a great place to start. We already have a world-class work rider program particularly in Gauteng, and giving the majority of grooms something to aspire to is another step in the right


George McDonald

31st July 2024

Hollywoodbets Durbanville: Wednesday Moves To Thursday

Despite the change in season, horses will run as carded.
Great, Spring is


Theodore John Roelofsz

31st July 2024

Glorious Goodwood – 32 Broadcasters Worldwide

If my garrolous nemesis did not fluff his lines some 12 months ago, who knows, he might have been included... now he sticks to what he knows best.


Gareth Goliath

31st July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

It helps a lot when the top stables in each province gifts you to pick your rides in their big stables on top quality horses. Fourie showed great discipline and endurance week in and week out cant take that away from him.The jockeys that follow are content with the spoils. You are as good as the horse under


Michael Jacobs

31st July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

💯 agree. That's what I've been saying for a while now, our jockey ranks have declined markedly. Gone are the days when our jockeys were world-class! Where are the up and coming Lloyd's, Khan's, Strikers, Marwings, Coetzee's, Whyte's , Marcus's? Nowadays one jockey announces that he's going for the championship and everyone else sits back and says "go


George Hamish

31st July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

I couldn’t have said it better myself. When you look at our current pool of jockeys compared to the greats in the past. It’s scary to think how badly the level of riding has deteriorated in our country. Fourie is the only one worth mentioning. Head and shoulders above the balance in every


Akesh Singh

30th July 2024

Fresh Dave Leads Them A Merry Dance

Terrance Millard would have run Dave The King in the July and probably gone close if not winning.He also got milers to win the July.Millard would have probably had a go at the July with Horse Chestnut ...such is his


Cameron James

30th July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

Sorry Ed, what I meant was, he was the stable jockey for the Snaiths. For them to hold him in such high regard, surely counts for something.

When the penny drops, watch this



30th July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

no offence to Offer,, but 20 strikes of his = 8 strikes from Fourie ???????
at the crucial stage of 240m it means the jockey can only encourage every 4.2 strides,,,,,
Andrew Fortune & Co including Basil Marcus, Roberts or Felix These guys knew how to read a race and ride a horse as to make it a winning situation from start to finish,,, yes they made mistakes , but heck not as often or as many as current crew!!.
MODERN HISTORY OF AT LEAST the last 70 YEARS if not ever!!
The academy needs a shake up,,, riding master !!!
Our riders look stupid compared to international scale --- PLEASE do not look at the few in Hong Kong and tell me twaddle as our current situation will not be producing much going forward soon!!!
Current ridding disciplines are so weak and rotted that it reeks of troubling times ahead.
Where are the trainers putting their voices into this fact ,,, scared because this little circle wields tooo much... disgraceful.
add stipes that offer no protection of flip-flopping astronauts ----
interference as in Yeni on Khumalo riding Specialist --- wtf -- no reigns, no
control, zero action

we need a jockey room of competant and earnest riders,, not earners because... read more

George Hamish

30th July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

According to Leonard Gavin won with Zeus from the front not so long ago, waiting to see which race he was talking about? Maybe in his


Gareth Goliath

30th July 2024

Gold Cup Winning Jockey’s Mixed Emotions

Does all the proceeds of these fines go to horse care or does it stay with the big shots at the table. It's tough being a jock in these times you try to hard you get burned, you do too little you get questioned. Rules are rules but 30k and 50k fines at a time is abit over the


Nabeel Ebrahim

30th July 2024

Boys Humbled By Peter Filly

Unlucky Mr Odendaal, this was going to be your first group 1 as a trainer... clearly the interference inside the last 50m where The Specialist lost all momentum and almost came down cost him the race.

To lose all momentum and virtually all balance inside the final 50m after being constantly interefered with for atleast 100m and only go down by half a length to a horse in full cry with no traffic is


Neill De Bruyn

30th July 2024

Fresh Dave Leads Them A Merry Dance

Cousin Casey making the cash register go ching ching all the time during the KZN season, 4 runs, 4 seconds.
Nice type of horse to own.




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