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Luigi Morelli

6th August 2024

De Kock – Boutique Operation And Dave The Main Arrow In Bow

Morning Mr Ed
If possible could we have feedback on the horses recently


Dan Williams

6th August 2024

Piere Strydom – Simply Different Class!

Piere Stydom is still one of the best jockeys in SA.
Also very good news to hear that See It Again will run at


John Peters

6th August 2024

Piere Strydom – Simply Different Class!

We are frequenting the habit of having
jockeys refusing to ride horses. My issue is why take the down to the start in the first place.Is that not casting a shade on the trainers ability to look after horses? They would not dare do that to the big


Geoff Logan

6th August 2024

De Kock – Boutique Operation And Dave The Main Arrow In Bow

A great article about a great trainer. What a season!!!! It was all about quality and not quantity. Having said that 6 grade 1 successes in a season IS all about quantity. Very well done to one of South African's best ever


Hennie De Wet

6th August 2024

De Kock – Boutique Operation And Dave The Main Arrow In Bow

The greatest trainer South Africa has ever produced. If he was in the UK he would have been knighted already. Despite being a great ambassador for South African racing he does not get the recognition I believe he deserves. A true South African national treasure.
i salute you and your whole team



5th August 2024

Piere Strydom – Simply Different Class!

Is he still claiming an apprentice allowance


Patrick Naidoo

5th August 2024

Piere Strydom – Simply Different Class!

With no disrespect, he is one of the best in this country but my disappointment was in the HDJ for the 2nd time aboard See It Again. Just my


jakes sayed

5th August 2024

Teenage Sensation In Shergar Cup Jockey Draft

go sensational


Gavin Bechan

5th August 2024

Piere Strydom – Simply Different Class!

that was a brillant ride .. it is the first time that i saw striker so animated in the saddle .. brillant brillant


Dr Tim Roberts

5th August 2024

Dan de Wet – A Champion Human Being

My good mate Dan,
Since I met Dan at the Germiston Yearling Sales in 1976 when I first arrived in South Africa from Australia we were destined to be mates.
Dan, Fred Doms and I toured America together. What happens on tour stays on tour and as those that knew Dan can imagine it was a tour of note.
I have wonderful memories of Dan who always saw the bright side of a situation and after a few glasses of the grape was a philosopher of note.
Our annual visits to Kimberly to visit Gavin and Thelra Schafer were memorable.
We miss you Dan you were a great and loyal friend old mate “One of a kind.”
Although it brought a tear to my eye on Dan’s passing I know it was a relief for you.
If I count my true mates on one hand I am fortunate to be able to say you Dan were



5th August 2024

Varsfontein Filly Looks Progressive!

The Stipes reported:

RACE 7 Ref : 7 OFF TO STUD STAKES (Listed) : R200 000 : About 1600m

Starter : S Ngcobo Loading Time : 1:34 sec No. of Runners : 13

Carded Time: 15:50:00
Rescheduled Time: -
Off Time: 15:50:57
Provisional Result: 15:53:49
All Clear: 15:58:25

a) REEFWAY (D Daniels) was slow, losing 3 lengths.

a) GRANDI ORECCHIE (S Moodley) was hanging in, in the final straight.
b) In view of the performance of GRANDI ORECCHIE (S Moodley) (7.60 lengths, 20/1 in the betting), the Veterinary Surgeon was requested to examine.
c) MASCHERINA (T Godden), the winner, was selected for the taking of specimens for analysis. Assistant Trainer V Beets acting on behalf of Trainer P B Muscutt advised (SP).
a) Nil.

a) Nil.

a) GRANDI ORECCHIE : Nothing obvious detected.


a) None.

No. Horse Jockey Trainer Distance Betting
1st 2 MASCHERINA T Godden P B Muscutt ---- 11/10
2nd 6 QUANTUM M Yeni A G Laird 0.40 0.40 16/1
3rd 5 ELEMBEE S Khumalo S G Tarry 1.30 1.70 13/2
4th 11 PERILLA S Veale D S Bosch 0.15 1.85 17/2
5th 7 CAPE LIGHTS K A Brewer R R... read more

Frankie Zackey

4th August 2024

Varsfontein Filly Looks Progressive!

Frankie Zackey...*OFTEN* i just shake my head and admire so many Jockeys for risking their lives by riding horses that can barely make it to the start... With pools not looking healthy and field sizes rapidly getting smaller,, it's definitely not a wise choice to scratch a horse especially if it's a fancied runner at the start... Scratchings cost the Tote a absolute fortune,, day in and day out we see horses that go down to the start that should be scratched,, very seldom and i mean very seldom will those horses prove us wrong...Many good punters will only have a punt after the canter past...Unfortunately for Bipot PA P6 and Jackpots players it's a gamble...How many times have we've seen horses that one has in the exotics get down to the start,,and before they race that one already knows they've burnt their money,, like I said it's a gamble... Getting back to the horse Gavin Lerena refused to ride,,I personally excluded it in my play after the canter past,,I'm sure many others done the same thing...If a jock feels that a horse is a suspect ride after getting to the start,, and she/he decides to get off the horse,, It's a no brainer for me to respect their


Peter Stephan

4th August 2024

Dan de Wet – A Champion Human Being

RIP Dan and God bless you my friend.
You left such a great legacy. So proud to have know you. What a positive contribution to life in all you did. BRAVO.
Such a lovely sense of humor and zest for life and adventure.
We shared a study together as boarders in our matric year 1971 in school house at Bishops. Never a dull moment. You loved your horses, family and farm with a passion. So blessed I was able to spend time with you back in the day. Condolences to all family and friends. Stay


Luke Bradshaw

4th August 2024

Dan de Wet – A Champion Human Being

While Sea Cottage was the greatest Pocket Power was the most underated horse to race in South Afica , he was a great champion with a terrific race record , sad news indeed on the passing of Dan


Luke Bradshaw

4th August 2024

Piet’s Perseverance Pays On Proper Payday

And rejected rightly , in my opinion


Johann Elstadt

4th August 2024

Dan de Wet – A Champion Human Being

Johann Elstadt Snr!
Shoe wat Legend!! Ek jy en Paar Friende Lekke Gekuier! Hengel op Hentiesbaai! Jou ou Bliksem laat my Bestuur vanaf Montagu tot in Suidwes ,en drink lekker Zandvliet Shiraz! Gaan jou Mis ou Yster! Waars die Dae! Op Gaansbaai! Kreef!!! En what ever! Ons praat nie Uit nie! Gaan jou Mis jou Rowwe Bliksem! Liefde Groete Johann tot ons Weer Gaan


Michael Jacobs

4th August 2024

Varsfontein Filly Looks Progressive!

With regards to today's meeting, what is going on with jockeys refusing to ride horses, despite the vets, trainer and stipes passing the horse fit to run???!!! Today Khumalo refused to ride, yesterday Lerena the same thing?

Owners spend a fortune on their horses and then a big-deal jockey nonchalantly decides that he is not going to ride? Surely if the vet, trainer and stipes pass a horse fit to run, what gives the jockey the right to refuse? And Khumalo is a serial culpri!! This has reached ridiculous proportions, never before have I heard of jockeys refusing to ride- in the past a Coetzee, Lloyd, Puller or Marwing refusing to ride a horse was unheard of? Our modern jockeys are drama queens and prima-donnas!

I think the stipes need to get involved and take action against jockeys that refuse to ride, a nice mandatory 2 week suspension should do the trick. But then I suppose if a jockey had initiatially refused to ride, he would make no great effort to win on the horse anyway! I remember a few months ago Khumalo also refused to ride, and the horse won anyway! So it's a double-edged sword for the connections! I think though that if a jockey refuses to ride a horse, an owner should make sure the trainer never engages that jockey to ride his or her horse again in



4th August 2024

Smith Cherry On Target

The Stipes reported:

RACE 7 : REF 7 : MEMORIAL MILE (Listed) : TURF 1600M
Starter: Mr D Kempthorne Loading time: 2 mins 10 sec Runners: 8

Carded time: 15h50
Rescheduled time: --
Off time: 15h52.40
Provisional result: 15h55.20
All Clear: 16h00.25


a) FAIRY KNIGHT (S Veale) was examined by the course Veterinary Surgeon and withdrawn, causing a delay.
b) HAT’S PRIDE (S Khumalo) kicked the back gates in the starting stalls, was taken out, examined by the course Veterinary Surgeon, passed suitable to race and reloaded, causing a further delay.
c) CHERRY ANO (C Habib) jumped inwards.
d) GLOBAL ALLY (K Minnie) was slow into stride.


a) GLOBAL ALLY (K Minnie) was buffeted between HAT’S PRIDE (S Khumalo) and CHERRY ANO (C Habib) shortly after the start.
b) At approximately the 350m SUGAR MONTAIN (A Domeyer) had to steady momentarily when awkwardly placed between HAT’S PRIDE (S Khumalo) and SEQUOIA (C Maujean), which shifted inwards slightly.
c) HAT’S PRIDE (S Khumalo) and CHERRY ANO (C Habib) made slight contact at approximately the 100m when both horses shifted ground marginally.
d) CHERRY ANO, the winner, was selected for the taking of specimens for analysis. Trainer GD Smith was advised. (LM)


a) Nil


a) Nil

THE... read more

Carel Cloete

4th August 2024

Dan de Wet – A Champion Human Being

                 DAN DE WET
Waar begin ek vandag.
Al het almal geweet wat voorlê vir ons,was dit n bitter swaar en hartseer dag-ons moes nog soveel vis vang-jou donner.
Danno-jy het ‘n vol lewe gelei op aarde-en ek so bly ek kon beste tye saam met jou deel. Jy het sòveel gawes,integriteit, talente en wysheid gehad.Daar is nie nog iemand wat perde, wyn en kosmaak beter ken as jy nie-en jy het my soveel  geleer.Maar 4 jaar voor jy siek geword het-kon ek sien –jy is net so lief vir die see soos ek-en Chrisjan Bakore.Jy het altyd tyd gehad vir ALMAL,en soveel stories vertel-Altyd weggeraak en met almal gesels.Al die lekker kuiertjies daar in die Blombos ,Jongensfontein en Ystervarkfontein en laat aande geselsies-en niemand mag weet ons ry volgens jou-Al Woensdag oggend. Jy het nooit besef hoeveel  liefde en sorg jy uitgedra het nie-en sò baie mense met jou sagte persoonlikheid en omgee aangeraak het-jyt altyd vir die volkies op Blombos pad ekstra gegee-en gesê Callie ons het genoeg..Rambo was jou alles-ek wou nog rekening stuur,terwyl jy vakansies hou-moes ek hom oppas en met hom gaan visvang by Ystervarkfontein-net ek en Rambo-sy gunsteling poele.Ek en jy het sy as op twee plekke gestrooi,en ek belowe-die res sal ek gaan gooi op die ander twee poele. Al was jy party keer hartseer-het jy oor die see gekyk en gesê-die... read more



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