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Geoff Logan

13th August 2024

The Stars Look Ahead To The New Season

Hi Michael in response to your comment about the last 3 years being a joke regarding only one jockey having a go at the championship a couple of facts to ponder are as follows:
In 2021,2022 and 2023 six jockeys each season had well over a 1000 rides each. That is not exactly sitting back. Last season the top 5 riders; Fourie 1649, Yeni,1494,
Zackey 1426,Habib 1296 had a good amount of rides each.
I think it takes enormous dedication and stamina to travel basically for 6 to 7 days a week for a full season.
With regards to the trainers Justin has an enormous string and his number of runners were only matched by Greef and Smith from PE but Sean Tarry and Brett Crawford had a full go at the title but had a lot less runners because of the size of their stables. Candice Bass Robinson said, at one stage she was eyeing the title, but lost Charles Dickens and a couple of other stars during the season.
Don't despair I reckon our racing is



13th August 2024

The Stars Look Ahead To The New Season

Will have a look Geoff - not sure about prices beyond a manual search,


Mike Naidoo

13th August 2024

Prohibited Substances – Gauteng Trainer Fined R160 000

Aiybo another one bites the dust. When is the NHA going to warn off trainers as the innocent punter is losing out. Enough is


Geoff Logan

13th August 2024

The Stars Look Ahead To The New Season

George if I had the information I would look up the 10 to 1shots. I don't think it was 50 but a large portion of Richard's winners were not favourites and also a fair number of winners were for smaller stables, especially in the Western Cape. Maybe Mr. Editor can point me in right direction. I know there is a log somewhere of percentage of favourites to winners.
I think trainers gave him rides because as Mike De Kock said, Richard is talented and a professional.
You cannot deny that only a very, very good jockey would ride 377 winners.
Muzi Yeni made a statement at the beginning of last season that he was going head to head with Richard for the championship.
I dont agree that jockeys were "bumped" off. He was given rides because he is


Cecil Pienaar

13th August 2024

The Stars Look Ahead To The New Season

Lerena, Yeni or Habib 🍻

250 winners give or


Chris Swart

13th August 2024

Prohibited Substance-Marwing Fined R18 000

This press release by the National Horseracing Authority of Southern Africa (NHA) raises several concerns that warrant closer scrutiny. Here are some critical questions and challenges:

1. **Veterinary Register Compliance**: Was the horse, Daring Dash, administered Flumethasone under the care of a registered veterinarian, and was the administration recorded in the veterinary register as required by NHA rules? This information is crucial to understand whether the substance was used for a legitimate therapeutic purpose, possibly within the allowed limits before the race. The omission of any mention of the veterinary register in the press release is conspicuous and raises questions about the transparency of the NHA's investigation process.

2. **Framing the Trainer**: The press release seemingly goes out of its way to label Mr. WH Marwing as guilty, referencing his "Admission of Guilt" without context. Was the admission made under duress or as part of a plea deal to avoid more severe penalties? The NHA's language gives the impression that Mr. Marwing is unquestionably at fault, without providing any details on the circumstances surrounding the use of Flumethasone. This could unfairly damage the trainer's reputation and career.

3. **Lack of Context**: The press release does not provide sufficient information about Flumethasone, its common uses, and why it is classified as a prohibited substance in this context. Without this, stakeholders and the public... read more

Michael Jacobs

13th August 2024

The Stars Look Ahead To The New Season

The season will be exciting only if a few trainers and jockeys throw their hats into the ring and go for the championship, that's what makes it exciting for punters and fans of the sport. There does not appear to be a competitive spirit among our trainers and jocks anymore!

Last year Fourie ran away with the title and no-one chased him down. Same with the trainers' championship- Snaith was comfortably ahead until the last two months when a feeble attempt was made to reel him, but I knew he would win comfortably, there was no energy to make a race of it (excuse the pun)! The jockey "championship" has been a bit of a joke for the last three seasons- de Melo, Kennedy and Fourie respectively were given the championship on a silver platter, none of the other jockeys made it a contest. Racing fans want to enjoy competitive racing, top-class horses, nail-biting finishes and competitors going at it hammer and tongs.

Only in SA is one guy allowed to state up front that he is going for the championship (jockey or trainer) and every-one else sits back and watches him do it! It's become a joke! Whose turn is it this year to win the jockey's


George McDonald

13th August 2024

The Stars Look Ahead To The New Season

Checking when and where these 10/1 shots where winners.
But it would be much easier for you Geoff to inform us when and where these 10/1 winners where ridden.
Name of horse and course and when.
Thank you
Plenty out of 377 should be about 50.
Do you


Cecil Pienaar

13th August 2024

The Stars Look Ahead To The New Season

Morning George Foreman fighting talk


Jerome Morris

13th August 2024

The Stars Look Ahead To The New Season

And the Champion trainer for 24/25 season is........Gauteng based and trainer of multiple champions...... Mr. To be


Glynis Karlsson

13th August 2024

A Baby Kommet Lands At Prosper Stud!

What a lovely strong filly with that "look at me" attitude. She's


Frankie Zackey

13th August 2024

The Stars Look Ahead To The New Season

Frankie Zackey... Cuz I suggest you go back to bed,, SERIOUSLY...The man was almost off for a month,,then still to win the Championship never seemed cut and dry,,he still done it... Then to break a record which many doubted that stood for many years,,he centered past the 334 RECORD... Then to add a extra 43 winners to that,, was TRUE CHAMPIONSHIP MATERIAL...NOW THE SOONER YOU EXCEPT THAT RICHARD FOURIE'S RECORD WILL NEVER AND I REPEAT NEVER BE BROKEN,,THE BETTER FOR


Geoff Logan

13th August 2024

The Stars Look Ahead To The New Season

I think 377 winners is a real champion and there were plenty of 10 to 1/s amongst those winners. I do agree though it will be great to see 4 or 5 top boys fighting it


George McDonald

13th August 2024

The Stars Look Ahead To The New Season

If what we hear is true, four or five good jockeys chasing the Championship, then this season we will end up with a real Champion jockey
Not one who bumps others off to ride the best horses in a race as per Hong Kong and last season South Africa
Bring those unwanted 10/1s home to prove it is the riding


Amanda Habib

13th August 2024

The Stars Look Ahead To The New Season

Calvin Habib who finished 5th with his best 154 winners for the season. Is also going out full force to better his last season. Hopefully can chase jockey championship.


Geoff Logan

12th August 2024

The Stars Look Ahead To The New Season

Thank you Charl. A very informative article that I read with much interest. It stirs up the interest for this new season.


Hennie De Wet

12th August 2024

The Stars Look Ahead To The New Season

The Top 5 trainers in the country

  1. Mike De Kock
  2. Sean Tarry
  3. Justin Snaith (to win more Grade Ones you have to raid Turffontein)
  4. Brett Crawford
  5. Joey Soma

i will listen on the


Muzi Yeni

12th August 2024

Premiers Champion Stakes Incident – No Action Against Yeni

Thats the real problem here Edwin, you not worried about facts from the officials , your real concern is you lost you money whilst gambling, so infact you talking out of your


Christian Kalil

12th August 2024

Mike de Kock Extends Thanks To Betting Companies

I agree. Well done for their contributions, but please don't forget the gamblers and punters who are the reason these betting companies exist! Thank You to the punter, the bettors and the Gambling men and woman out there. Without you, none of this would be


James Farmer

12th August 2024

Mike de Kock Extends Thanks To Betting Companies

I agree with Mr De Kock.
The betting Companies put a lot into horseracing.
I salute




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