Who Thinks What

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Michael Jacobs

26th August 2024

Thiselton Calls On Equus Panel To Clarify Anomalies

How about the Equus committee inviting the betting public to vote for their horse of the year? It could be called the "People' horse of the year". One vote per person, let's see how the public judge our equine stars. Bring racing back to the people, make it participatory and not elitist anymore! I'm sure it will help to re-energise the


Michael Jacobs

26th August 2024

Mother Nature Forces Changes To Cape Racing Programme

This was to be expected. With the current weather and knowing our jockettes, there was no way a meeting would take place this week in Cape


joao da mata

26th August 2024

Van Niekerk Fined For Feature Error

I don't think he should have got a fine. The horse won end of story imo
I also don't think that the merit rating system has anything to do with it. In the UK perhaps where you can target a race in 6 months time, in SA the Highveld has only created a programme to the end of September and in the Cape to the end of October.

Also we know that the application of merit points is almost as random as how many yellow smarties you get in a



26th August 2024

Wernars: Lerena And Van Vuuren Take Sabbatical

Hi Rian
Have chatted to the Hollywoodbets guys.
There seems to be an issue with commingled quartet dividends - we have fielded many queries these past few weeks.
For example, at a Newton Abbot meeting on 22 August, on 5 of the 7 races they declared no dividend and a complete carry over
The 4th race was interesting in a 4 horse field there were no winners – and a carryover of R28726
Its surely almost impossible that there was not a single person who did not at least box the field for R24 and win
Pending an explanation from the Tote, Hollywoodbets have made the decision to not offer the quartets as the situation with UK venues has persisted with either very low pools or complete Carryovers
Hollywoodbets point out that clients are welcome to take these bets on their site directly into the tote.

The Sporting Post has urged the Tote team to come up with an explanation and we await their


Theodore John Roelofsz

26th August 2024

Where Will You Be Racing On Monday?

You went and hit the nail where it


Theodore John Roelofsz

26th August 2024

Thiselton Calls On Equus Panel To Clarify Anomalies

Very able pointers, discussion, reasoning...
Let's have the names of ALL THESE EXPERTS on the various panels who decide/choose/nominate them (the panels)... and then how do they (the panels" results) end up with what we sit with...!!
Mayhaps they could be called

We on the ground... are able enough to rate the HOME-GUARD"'s, ELEVATION"',s, GLORY BE"'s, GATECRASHER"'s, PAS de QUOIS"'s, IN FULL FLIGHT"'s and SEA COTTAGE"'s and then some...as true CHAMPIONS.


George McDonald

26th August 2024

AHS Vaccination Shortage – Links To R500 Million Scandal?

Have tried SALT as in Smiled A Little Then Stopped
Is that that okay with you, and



26th August 2024

AHS Vaccination Shortage – Links To R500 Million Scandal?

Ticking over nicely,


Michael Jacobs

26th August 2024

Van Niekerk Fined For Feature Error

I never knew that coming up fast from the back was a problem in racing? You learn something new


Neill De Bruyn

25th August 2024

AHS Vaccination Shortage – Links To R500 Million Scandal?

Silly season but the comments platform is very much alive mr Ed, no lack of news worthy items yes?


Mark Beck

25th August 2024

Van Niekerk Fined For Feature Error

Greetings Cecil
It's a shame Hluhluwe isn't joining Tony for the two highveld seasons im afraid the highveld is one step to far for Justin was it not WQ who squealed enough without even touch the track on the highveld
My beloved Hluhluwe is a prime example of a top top horse not suited to the cape style of training Tony has already improved all the horses he acquired from Justin so I shudder to think what he would achieve with Hluhluwe
Hluhluwe will not win a race in the cape this season with DTK and GWE going to rule the roost
Summer Cup Horse Chestnut and the Gomma Gomma should be his


Rian Rix

25th August 2024

Wernars: Lerena And Van Vuuren Take Sabbatical

Yep, I agree Cecil, definately die moer in
I'm the moer in with Hollywood for not offering Quartets on the UK racing these past few meetings
They blaming the Tab for messing up the payouts
Check Newton About Race 4
on Thursday past 4 horse field and Tab posts R28 000 C/O
But any fool can see it's was a mistake
And now no Quartets, what big babies


Chris Swart

25th August 2024

AHS Vaccination Shortage – Links To R500 Million Scandal?

But have you tried salt


Selwyn Elk

25th August 2024

Cape’s Lady Trainers Breaking New Ground

An ounce of luck is better than a ton of knowledge, given the choice of being clever or lucky, lucky would win every time.Reply


25th August 2024

5 Year Ban: Mauritian Jockey – The Fall Guy?

Tom Rattley,



25th August 2024

Where Will You Be Racing On Monday?

Jy weet nie wat ons weet, George!
No KZN racing - Hollywoodbets Durbanville


Ade Stegmann

25th August 2024

5 Year Ban: Mauritian Jockey – The Fall Guy?

Mike Rattray on Jamaican Music in the July rings a


Frankie Zackey

25th August 2024

AHS Vaccination Shortage – Links To R500 Million Scandal?

Frankie Zackey...It's clear to see that you have a problem with the Man ? Highlighting the true facts,, is it not important to you and others ??? I'm a big Mr Chris Swart


George McDonald

25th August 2024

Where Will You Be Racing On Monday?

The bigger question is where will we be racing locally Wednesday 28th August
Gold Circle following in footsteps of NHRA.
What we know you do not need to


George McDonald

25th August 2024

AHS Vaccination Shortage – Links To R500 Million Scandal?

Does Chris Swart ever come up for




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