Victorian Secret
As part owners of the horse in question, we read the comment ‘The Secret’s Out’ by Lance Benson, (Friday 8th March), with interest and concern. We also thank him for his complimentary comments about Victorian Secret herself.
Lance has made a very important point about transparency and we would certainly endorse his view. Punters are a central part of racing and we must provide them with full information as far as possible. We went to the races on 23rd February expecting to lead in a winner and were deeply disappointed by her scratching by the veterinary surgeon at the start, following a kick (after she had been kicked.)
The jockey reported that she had “shuddered” with the impact and immediately raised her leg. On her return to the saddling enclosure, she was completely sound and did not appear to have sustained any significant injury.
Our first reaction was annoyance, but it’s easy to be wise after the event, and we do acknowledge that the veterinary surgeon at the start must make an urgent decision in difficult circumstances and above all had to consider any possible risks to the horse if it should run.
If she had been injured and had run, Victorian Secret might have sustained serious damage, which would clearly not have been in the interests of the horse, the punter or the connections. In retrospect she had not suffered any significant injury, but we are satisfied that it was the best decision under the circumstances.
We would unconditionally support Lance’s suggestion that a press release be published, so that the punters would have full access to information. We have every confidence in Justin Snaith, who would not consider running any horse with an injury. In the event, the filly, (who started clear favourite), won the Port Elizabeth listed race very easily, giving the punters and the connections great compensation.
Via email – Dave and Sue Whitelaw