Vaal trainer Kobus Roux was lucky to escape unharmed after he was held up at gunpoint at his stable on Tuesday evening.
A reliable source told the Sporting Post that shortly after 19h00 on Tuesday three armed men accosted the trainer at his stable.

Lucky escape – Kobus Roux stared down the barrel of a gun (Pic – JC Photos)
The former assistant to Johan van Eck and Cliffie Otto apparently lives on his own, and was naturally traumatized and badly shaken afterwards.
It is not known what triggered the attackers to flee, but another resident said that the three, one with a bucket hat, had run straight past his stable ‘at high speed’.
A colleague of the victim, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal, told the Sporting Post that it was disappointing that there was no apparent immediate official follow-up on the incident and that neither the SAPS nor an ambulance had been called.
“4Racing promised action tomorrow. Was the victim not traumatized sufficiently to warrant attention this evening? Having a gun pointed at one’s head is no small matter. Morale is generally low, the Vaal has unattended ongoing security issues and is not a secure environment for man or horse. Does anybody care anymore?” he asked ruefully.
There are 220 horses stabled at the Vaal under the care of twelve trainers.
Apparently eight trainers are resident on site.
4Racing has been contacted for comment.