Veteran breeder Dr Marianne Thomson has asked questions of the National Horseracing Authority in recent weeks via the medium of the Sporting Post.
The NHA published a responding press release on Monday 1 October 2018 – click here
Dr Thomson is not satisfied with the lack of direct answers though and now addresses a note to the Board of the NHA via the Sporting Post Mailbag.
Dear NHA Board Members.
O M G!
What a reply!
Now we know who Hazel is to the last detail.

Hazel Kayiya (photo: supplied)
But all my other questions? Swept under the carpet? Audit?
I STILL have some questions and seeing as you never addressed my previous queries, here we go again.
Do we really need a qualified accountant to run the Stud Book from an Executive Office Upstairs?
What is the salary to employ this accountant in a position that certainly does not require a B Comm?
Are we satisfied with an accountant with NO hands on experience to run our stud book, one who ticked the boxes with a most discredited previous CEO?
I never saw the position advertised — how did Hazel get to be Keeper?
As a Breeder who pays part of the approximately R8 million breeders annually put into the NHRA coffers, I’m entitled to ask and to expect a civil reply.
You mention as an aside that I should not have ‘gone to the press’.
If I had approached you as an ordinary , previously silent member, what reply would I have had?
Be Honest Guys.
Your reply is an insult to all your members.
Especially those who have the gumption to stand up.
Have a good racing Year Gentlemen.
Enjoy the privileges of your lofty positions while racing struggles to survive .
I can assure you, we Breeders, here on the farm, are an endangered species.
But then again, it cannot be as bad as I think. Otherwise more would have taken to their keyboards.
PS – When you decide to shut down ‘The Gym that Lyndon Built’ – that’s on the first floor of the old Jockey Club building – same floor where the Stud Book is, please give us all a chance to bid on those fantastic bits of equipment.
Perhaps that’s where the “Old Guard’s Portraits “ were moved to?