
Vaal Today

The false rail is set at zero on the back straight with 5m on the bend becoming 12m at the 1000m with a 12m spur at the 600m mark

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Eight On The Vaal Today

The false rail is set at 5m on the back straight and on the bend with a 5m spur at the 600m mark. It is 5m in from the 1600m outside rail to the pull up area

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Eight Races At Vaal Today

The false rail is set at 5m on the back straight and bend with a 5m spur at the 600m mark.  It is also 2m in from 1600m outside rail to pull up area

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Laird Can Be Key At Vaal Today

The false rail today is set at 3.5m on the back straight and bend with a 3.5m spur at the 600m mark It is 3.5m in from  the 1600m outside rail to the pull up area

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