From Koster To KZN
An animal fanatic and a nature lover, the Koster born Ina-Marie Burger has enjoyed her first career break
An animal fanatic and a nature lover, the Koster born Ina-Marie Burger has enjoyed her first career break
With Africa’s Greatest Horseracing event, the Vodacom Durban July, being run on Saturday, the protest action comes at a sensitive time for the industry
If you are drawn high up the straight course, you are racing in what appears to be a long line of glue, suggests trainer Joey Ramsden
The overall consensus is that the new Summerveld Training Centre is a real winner – even if the protectionist policies adopted by Gold Circle are still archaic and effectively promoting mediocrity and putting the visitors under pressure
“It was a choice of going to Turffontein or taking them to Durban and I was not prepared to go to Summerveld with them.”
Michael Roberts will contest the South African trainers championship in the not to distant future.
The tongue-twistingly named sprinter was bred and is owned in South Africa, trained by a US-based Brit and will be ridden by a French-based Belgian