Piere Strydom

The Truth Will Out

A brave tactical decision to remove the blinkers played a major role in a good win for the Gavin Van Zyl-trained Vino Veritas in the Allez France Handicap

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Strydom: My Met Day Frustrations

“This is the only race that really annoyed me. I was shouting from the 2000m marker to tell my colleague to step on it and not let the leader enjoy such a soft and easy lead. It was a poor display of riding.”

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Piere Strydom

Striker Takes Over From Superman

On the racing front, the J&B Met betting market appears to have stabilised and recovered momentum after the disappointing withdrawal of the original favourite, Legislate

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Force Of Nature

There is just no stopping Joey Ramsden and his top owners Ingrid and Markus Jooste and the combination were to the fore in yet another Cape feature after a glorious and memorable summer

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Dream A Little Dream Today

It is often said in racing that weight stops trains. But an exception to the rule could apply on the Vaal Express today, with Piere Strydom doing the driving and Louis Goosen the conductor

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The Champions Kept Us Going

What a bloody year 2014 was! When the lights went out and horseracing’s bureaucracy played their mind games, we always had the comfort of knowing that we could rely on our champions

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Striker: Act Of War Better Than Harry’s Son

Strydom’s immediate reaction after riding his 5 000th winner on Act Of War in last month’s Selangor Cup was that the colt was “probably better” than Harry’s Son and he still believes that all the advantages lie with the Joey Ramsden-trained hope in Saturday’s big race

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Striker’s Straight Talk

“Have you ever been offered money to make sure a horse doesn’t win?” – Piere Strydom gets asked some serious questions about riding, golf, money and more

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Vintage Dutch Courage Today

As if owners and trainers aren’t enough to cope with, Strydom has handled every conceivable pressure imaginable in his 33 years in the saddle with aplomb. But the brain block that he endured as he hung around the 4999 winner mark in mid-November just proved that for all his immortality in the saddle, he really is also only human.

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