joey ramsden

KZN Tracks – A Poor Show

Joey Ramsden cannot also skip the fact that the three trainers – or for want of a better word, three Gold Circle “stooges” – invited to the meeting, are employed by Gold Circle!

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On Track – For A Free Press!

Anton Marcus was asked his opinion about the track after the first race at Greyville the other day and he once again expressed his dissatisfaction with it. I believe all future questions aimed at jockeys will not be around the condition of the tracks, as a result of certain presenters having received letters

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Attenborough Calls The Tune

The improvement capacity and scope of 2yo’s was demonstrated by Joey Ramsden’s smart looking Attenborough, who was a facile winner of the Listed Somerset 1200 at Kenilworth on Sunday

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Scarlet Rose

Cape trainer Joey Ramsden enjoyed a change of luck in the final feature event of the weekend

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Owners Already Stretched

I see July nominations are coming up today. It is ridiculously early. Who knows what’s going to happen over the next three months? What do they want? A list of irrelevant names?

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Sting In The Stayers

An entertaining display of tactical race-riding, with the assistance of the Cape crawl, gave Joey Ramsden’s former KZN Champions Season Gr1 winner King Of Pain a deserved victory

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