joey ramsden

The Pain Of It

I suppose it is the time of year but our stable has had a number of colics recently which, I have to say, is extremely rare for us. All have been small and nothing too bad, apart from our KZN Older Champion Male. He managed to get a serious bout of it on the night he won his award

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The Phindi Power Protocol

It was interesting to see the writer did not bother to phone a single trainer to find out any facts and took the word of the SA Grooms Association leader and Phindi Kema, who is described as a racehorse breeder. To my knowledge, she is not a registered breeder, has never bred a racehorse and will never breed a racehorse

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Soldiers, Sailors and Surprises

Mick jumps ship, that soldier Justin falls and we now go into a period of racing at Durbanville – but many of the owners do not want their decent 3 yr olds competing at that course

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Joey and Fee in Mauritius

Friends And Neighbours

Summerveld is the most beautiful place and I am sure Gold Circle have made every effort to put in all the amenities and facilities to try and accommodate everyone and keep them all happy. Never an easy task

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Free Lunch Fever

These days are always loads of fun and a good time to catch up with people one has not seen for a while. However, there are also sometimes a few too familiar faces and it is amazing what some will do for a free lunch!

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Face The Pace

This act appears to go unchallenged whereas, elsewhere in the world, there are severe penalties for it. It does not make for fair or enjoyable racing as those that do try and place themselves early on are kept out wide by the ones with the better draws

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The Pipes Of Peace

The saga of the poor patronage by the Cape trainers has been well aired without any public reaction or suggestions having been forthcoming. It was pleasing to see the one man that has committed to keeping the local winter programme going, at least winning the race

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JR Goes To War

It’s official. There are no 2yo’s in Cape Town. Except with Joey Ramsden and Eric Sands…

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Mercury Last Big One at Clairwood

Having been coming up here for as long as I can remember, it really has been like a second home for me. It is a rather sobering thought, when looking at those lovely big grandstands, to think that they will be no more…

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