Clever Buyers Come Prepared
An insight as to what to expect of yearlings in terms of class, stamina and sale price
An insight as to what to expect of yearlings in terms of class, stamina and sale price
As with many other aspects of thoroughbred breeding there are different theories about buying, or not buying, first foals. The CTS March Yearling Sale catalogue offers some interesting options…
The sale average climbed to 145k from last year’s 107k. It seems that the Million Dollar race incentive did have the desired effect. Bring on January 2016.
Behind the tangled thorns the princess sleeps. Enter a prince. It little matters whether he comes by chance or in deliberate quest…the CTS March Yearling Sale is upon us!
The tongue-twistingly named sprinter was bred and is owned in South Africa, trained by a US-based Brit and will be ridden by a French-based Belgian