I can’t profess to know a great deal about the Phumelela affair – except to say its been a giant dog’s breakfast which has culminated with the corporate being consigned to Business Rescue and the involvement of racing icon, Mary Slack – and a very much appreciated intervention too.
Now I shall be generous to those in charge of whats going on now – but I guess like in all distressed company circumstances the accountants have gotten involved – just the very last people who should be. In my view, accountants are completely useless in the role of rescuing anything – in fact in my forty years of experience as a company director and Chairman, I wouldn’t pay them with washers. I hold them in contempt – just behind lawyers in general and divorce lawyers in particular!

Nico Kritsiotis
C John Smith writes in the Sporting Post Mailbag that he is guessing it would be the accountants who decided that the commentator panel should be rationalised – a decision of dubious validity in the first place – every race needs a commentator so if someone is rationalised, somebody else will get the extra work and the extra pay! Nonsense.
Now for the daftest bit.
It seems Nico Kritsiotis has become the fall guy. Are they completely barking mad?
I don’t know any of the South African commentators personally but have heard them all, often. Now I am sure they are all perfectly nice and good guys – but my assessment of their commentating ability is that at best, most are moderate and at worst many are completely hopeless – except Kristiosis.
Let me make it very clear – Nico Kritsiotis is a world class commentator and for me is the voice of SA racing.
Here’s why.
He knows a great deal about horseracing, trainers, jockeys, breeding, rules – indeed the whole shooting match and can speak with complete authority on many topics
His voice is clear and crisp at all times – just the best.
He paces his voice to the race perfectly
He covers the race, pace, structure and participants to a high state of excellence and accuracy
He has the unique ability and perception to pick up those horses which are going to feature in the finish long before it becomes evident to mere mortals like us.
Finally he never uses naff phrases such as are common in many commentaries you hear – especially in America where this function is an embarassment.
I would be highly surprised if any regular supporter of racing would disagree with me – and if they do, they are wrong!
When these Business Rescue cl*wns sort things out, I would strongly suggest that those who eventually take over Phumelela make a list of phone calls to make – and high on that list should be a call to Nico Kritsiotis – apologise and humbly beg him to return to where he belongs – to the asset register of South African racing.