So Close To A Dream Big-Race Runner For Dowlings

Jimmy Don runs in the consolation race

Turffontein Erico Verdonese has been knocking hard for over 27 years to saddle his first Hollywoodbets Durban July runner.

Up to a matter of a month ago he thought this could be his year.

But Gr1 SA Classic runner-up Jimmy Don’s posting as second reserve for Saturday’s big race probably means it’s not going to turn out the fairytale he was looking for.

Jimmy Don cruises clear in the Listed Secretariat Stakes (Pic – JC Photos)

There were 23 entrants left in the mix when the Hollywoodbets Durban July panel sat down on Monday 19 June to decide who would make the final cut of 20 – that’s 18 to start, with 2 reserves.

Sean Tarry’s Nebraas and Erico’s Pathfork 3yo Jimmy Don were left on the outside looking in. Their chance for inclusion ticks down until 08h15 on Friday 30 June, when they will be scratched.

“We would hate to benefit from another owner’s misfortune of having their runner scratched to get a run at this stage of the game. This is the race we all live and work for, and like we accept referee’s decisions that can change the outcome of a Cup Final, my owners and my team have to be philosophical about the panel’s call,” Erico told the Sporting Post in a chat on Monday.

There’s no sentiment for the panel. The fact that the big powerful yards have multiple runners, or that the young enthusiastic owners of Jimmy Don, brothers Alex and David Dowling, may have booked the float for their champion to travel down alone to Durban, and have only ever dreamt of a Hollywoodbets Durban July runner, matters none.

“Look, we were all disappointed. We were in the top 20 of the log and Gavin Lerena was so bullish. But the Jubilee Stakes run, where Jimmy received 4kgs from Puerto Manzano and ran 4 lengths behind, put us on the back-burner. The reality is we needed to run him there to sharpen him up for Saturday – but that effort, where he was marginally carried out late, stuck us out of favour. So we have to grin and bear it,” he added, without being drawn on who he thought was the horse that may not be worthy of the top 18 ranking.

While owners Alex and David Dowling are obviously disappointed, the Durban travels plans are still on as Jimmy Don lines up in the consolation race, the Gr3 SplashOut 2200, on Saturday.

“He carries 59,5kgs and has drawn 15 out of 15. So that is no easy task,” observes Erico, as he mulls over the hurdles his charge faces.

“They say when you have a good 3yo, you have an even better 4yo. He has not been over-raced. We will take this on the nose and bring him back for a tilt at the 2024 Hollywoodbets Durban July. Watch this space,” laughed Erico.

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