Singapore Owners Get Relief

Keep subsidy and stable rental waived

Kranji Racecourse

The Singapore Turf Club will assist racehorse owners with a  subsidy for the months of April and May.

The STC has suspended all Singapore race meetings until 4 May 2020.

Amidst the fluidity and uncertainty over the period of racing suspension, the Club together with the Tote Board has worked out a relief package for a period of 2 months, April and May 2020, to defray the costs of keeping the local horse population healthy and fit during this period.

The relief package is as follows:

To defray the costs of horse upkeep during this racing suspension, the Club will provide a relief of SG$1,500 per horse per month, for April and May 2020. This relief will be in the form of a training credit used to offset training fees. The amount will be reflected in the monthly training bill. All horses registered before 7 April 2020 will be eligible for the relief.

Rental of stable stalls for April and May 2020 will be waived. This relief is on top of the Enhanced Jobs Support Scheme and the waiver of the Foreign Worker Levy by the government to support businesses.

With the approval of URA and MOM, the Club has provided accommodation to Malaysian stable employees temporarily affected by border restrictions.

To ensure that the welfare of horses is not compromised, training tracks and equine pools remain open and the veterinarians and farriers will be on-site to provide necessary care during this period.

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