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Tienie Can Train Winners!

Former Northern Cape Champ is grinding away

The sole survivor of Gold Circle’s well-intentioned migration of trainers from the Northern Cape after the Flamingo Park debacle of 2020, Ashburton-based Tienie Prinsloo continues to grind away despite a despairing lack of support.

An emotional Tienie heaped praise on rising star Rachel Venniker after the Dacha-sponsored rider piloted her first winner as a 2,5kg claiming learner at Hollywoodbets Greyville on Monday.

Rachel Venniker and Tienie Prinsloo in the post-race interview (Pic – Candiese Lenferna)

The fast improving Rachel continues to change perceptions of lady riders in some quarters, and rode a cracker for UK-based owner Ron Harris aboard the Prinsloo-trained Living Waters.

The 48 year old Tienie chose to speak Afrikaans when interviewed by Warren Lenferna in the post-race interview.

Watch the race and interview here:

The former Kimberlite thanked Mr Harris for the loyalty.

The man who won the Northern Cape Championship with a string of only 13 horses, is trying to remain competitive in the tougher climes of KwaZulu-Natal with just 17 horses. His small string means that he has to keep his charges ticking over and he does an excellent job with a close to 29% place strike-rate.

Rachel Venniker steers Living Waters to a gutsy win (Pic – Candiese Lenferna)

“I know everybody is under pressure and wish there was more support. I treat my patrons with honesty, respect and kindness, and we communicate regularly. I could be doing great things with some decent stock. It’s very tough, but thankfully I have been contacted by a good owner and will also be buying for another at the BSA November 2yo Sale.

“We are enjoying the holiday province so it would really be nice to be more competitive. The training facilities are excellent at Ashburton. And it’s not like Kimberley where the small town environment means that everybody knows everything. Elsa and myself are enjoying the lifestyle and are here to stay. All I need is some more horses. We can’t win races without horses and owners!”

Tienie and Elsa Prinsloo lead Living Waters in (Pic – Candiese Lenferna)

Tienie invited any owners or prospective owners to email him at: [email protected].

“I am not a hard sell sort of guy. I’d be happy to chat to anybody and see if we can be of assistance,” he concluded.

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14 comments on “Tienie Can Train Winners!

  1. Brian Fredericks says:

    Respect respect Tienie thats all I can say come on people support the man delpech hear is your chance Hollywood would like this and you the guy for them give the guy a horse or two please well done Tienie keep it up

  2. Cecil Pienaar says:

    Hello Tienie. Mooi man, nog n wenner gister, 20/1 en R35 op die tote. My P6 m**r toe op die 1ste been, maar geen probleem.
    I’m happy you staying, the other Kimberley boys sadly moved on, not easy hier in Natal. Ja, Ashburton, baie nice en ek like julle Pub …

    Mr Ed, Thanks for this article. Ek hoop Tienie lees, weet dis in Engels ????

    Oh yes, Rachel 2 more winners and 2 runner ups yesterday. Well Done

    1. Editor says:

      Hi Cecil
      As ons bel, praat Tienie suiwer engels 🙂

  3. Pieta says:

    Hey Cecil,

    Ek sien die Alexander’s het hull eerste runner in AUS Saterdag oggend vroeg…..16/1…..ek dink dis geld steel….????

  4. Cecil Pienaar says:

    More Se Pieta. Dankie ekt dit gemis, en stem, daai is my tipe bet.

    Albert Falls Greetings

  5. Gregg Clarke says:

    Its taken a while to understand the dynamics at play however it does seem that this otherwise wonderful industry is not immune to anti-competitive (unfair) behavior . And this is very noticeable in certain (notice that its not “all”) Provinces, Trainers & Breeders. An obvious sign is that otherwise well bred Horses from non-1st Tier Breeders either, and all-to-often, do not get a fair price at the Sales and others are being “broken” at a Young Age and not being given a fair chance to achieve their true potential. The possible reasons demands serious introspection because a sinister one that appears to hold some sway is that this is being done deliberately for anti-competitive reasons. It seems that some in the Industry will stop at nothing to protect the “investment” rather than competing fairly and squarely to allow the best Horses and Bloodlines to dictate demand This kind of behavior just isn’t right and appears to be unregulated/monitored which is even more concerning in an industry that, for the most part, does everything it can to ensure no funny-business. And I guess that is exactly why it is so refreshing to have Disruptors in the Industry that clearly do not reflect the approach of some very dominant Parties. Just to mention a few of these Disruptors, without not meaning to leave out others….Hollywood Syndicate, Viljoen’s, International Racing Syndicate …. What they have continued to prove is that there are many very capable Horses and Trainers out there, just like the Tienie Prinsloo’s of the World who are every bit as committed as their more “illustrious” and ” acclaimed” counterparts. So every time a Horse from a 2nd Tier Breeder and Trainer succeeds, it brings a smile to my Face, NOT because a highly invested party(bloodline or investor) hasn’t won, but because it demonstrates that it can be done. The Industry needs BOTH, those with immeasurable money and those with limited budgets. They both obviously have the passion and heart but it must be fair and it must be for the good of ALL the industry and not only the preserve of some. Thank You Hollywood. Thank You the Viljoens. Thank You also IRS and all the others that fit into this category.

  6. Cecil Pienaar says:

    Sjoe, well said Mr Gregg Clarke ????????

    (Sunny) Albert Falls Greetings

  7. Neill De Bruyn says:

    Darwin’s law of survival of the fittest at work, mr Clark … .

  8. Gregg Clarke says:

    Not sure how one can assimilate the topic with a process of “natural selection”, when the accusation is that the system is being manipulated to create unfair advantage. The very word “natural” means the process is unmanipulated does it not. If the Law You refer to were to be inherently acceptable in Racing then why do Horses get Rated/Weighted to level the playing field and create fair competition? Lets put it another way, whilst there is a “levelling of the playing field on the track” lets address/monitor the non-Darwin Theory behavior off the track that is unfair and/or uncompetitive. Or not.

  9. Neill De Bruyn says:

    Hi mr Clarke, that was a tongue in cheek referral to Darwin’s theory, my suggestion being that it is possible for the smaller trainer/breeder to succeed and be competitive in a contracting industry where role players with strong financial backup could become very dominant (the “fittest”). Your argument is very valid, especially the notion that there must be room in racing for those with big pockets, as well as those with a limited budget.

  10. Gregg Clarke says:

    No Sir, it was a flippant comment misapplying Darwin’s Theory to the issues raised, which You still don’t seem to get by the way. Whatever….

  11. Neill De Bruyn says:

    Point acceded in terms of Darwin’s theory being an unfortunate quote, mr Clarke, still thinking about where I went wrong with my interpretation of your comments …

  12. Chris Evans says:

    Well done and I really feel for the smaller trainer but he might have appealed to more people in KZN if he had spoken English in his interview..

  13. Leon Lotz says:

    Mr Evans
    Tienie het afrikaans met sy eienaar gepraat , and 75% of interview was in english.Language has got nothing to do with earning stakes.
    Super impressive ride.
    Geluk Tienie

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