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Pippa Mickleburgh

A World Of Winners & Wines

Vous et Var and Pippp

Vous et Var and Pippa

Some people are just born with a calling and a unique destiny to achieve success. Avontuur General Manager Pippa Mickleburgh is one of those exceptional human beings. In twenty five years at the helm of the home of fine wines and fast horses, South African horseracing’s very own ‘Lady Var’ has consistently raised the bar. The next five years promise to be her most exciting yet.

What is your name?
Philippa Lianne Vincent Mickleburgh. But please call me Pippa!

What is your star sign and birthdate?
Capricorn, many years ago…

Where were you born?

Where do you live?
On Avontuur Estate, Stellenbosch

Do you have a ‘nickname’?
Not to my knowledge!

Favourite food?

Favourite drink?
Coke zero, Strawberry Dacquiri

Favourite music?
The Boss…

Favourite sport?
After racing, cricket and athletics

Favourite holiday destination?
Strangely enough, some-where with water! And a snorkel! But not too hot! My dream is to get on an icebreaker and sail to the Arctic.

Where did you grow up and were any members of your family involved in racing?
I grew up mostly in the Hillcrest/ Shongweni area. My sister Tammy is married to Craig Ramsay and together they ran the successful Golden Acres Stud in KZN before immigrating to New Zealand a few years back.

Where did you go to school?
Pietermaritzburg Girls High/ Hillcrest High

Before you joined the Avontuur team where did you work?
Managing  Hoog Eind Stud for Guud Van Heesch.

How did your interest in horseracing develop and more particularly breeding?
My father was a journalist for a few racing publications and in those days there were no computers so all the genetic research was done by looking it up and writing it down. I loved to help him, so my love for pedigrees grew from there. As a family we were very competitive in the showjumping arena. We all rode in shows and horses were our lives.

How long have you been at Avontuur and where do you see yourself ten years from now?
I have been here since 1989 and will hopefully still be here a decade from now.

What do you consider the best horse Avontuur has ever bred?
It has to be Val De Ra.

If the stringent import-export  controls, currently in place, are relaxed, how do you think this will affect breeders?
It would change our lives forever. Our horses are world class. Just imagine if it was free trade? Jobs would be created and our businesses would flourish. It is a no brainer.

With science playing a bigger and bigger role in training horses, has much changed in the breeding of horses?
Computers have made our studies of genetics a whole lot easier and technical and the science of feeding and pasture management is vital. But has it changed our strategy? Maybe, but not always for the better necessarily. It is all about balance and the marriage of the basic of stockmanship and technology. The horseman still needs to LOOK at his animal.  Our matings and purchases may be done with the assistance of computers but we still need to get out there and understand and know our mare and stallion to the core. Rather let science assist in the decision and thus utilise as many factors as you can to make a balanced and best final choice.

Outside of breeding and racing what other passions do you have?
I love to travel and to watch world class racehorses running in other countries. But after that I am a bookworm and also enjoy gardening and music…

If things had turned out differently what other career could you have chosen?
A lawyer, for sure!

What would you do or suggest in an attempt to get the crowds back onto the racecourses?
Make racecourses part of shopping malls. Imagine racing at Durbanville with a shopping centre in the middle, with all the famous chain stores and restaurants?  What a vibe! Happy Valley in Hong Kong is an example of a dynamic environment. It is amazing and right in the middle of the city. In the middle of the course are other sports happening, so whilst we race they play tennis and basketball under big lights. There are also bars and clubhouses and changing rooms in the building. There is thus a diverse gathering of all who love sport at the same venue, creating a vibe, fun environment and a great atmosphere.

The Avontuur Fillies Guineas has become an iconic racing event on the social calendar. What is the winning secret behind the concept?
It takes time to build the concept. After seven years I feel we are getting it right and I think it works so well as it has a homely feel and we put our distinctive stamp on it. As a sponsor we do all the work and except for some decor assistance , the whole day is put together by the Avontuur team. We employ no outside production houses and because of that I think our guests feel part of  ‘our family’. On a personal note I really am amazed at the loyal support from all our racing friends and family each year. It really is a great day and the race itself is always top class.

Avontuur sponsor jockeys Anthony Delpech and MJ Byleveld. Does the concept work and are they good ambassadors for your brand?
Very much so! They work every day for the brand. They promote us everywhere with branded clothing  and cars and then on Tellytrack and in print publications. They are an asset for sure.

The Var Syndicate were the innovative sponsors of a speed series. Was it a success?
We felt it was a good idea to promote Var while reinvesting  in racing and at the same time uplifting  the choice of races for sprinters for a better stake. It was some ‘out the box’ thinking  and an innovative strategy. Rome wasn’t built in a day and I’d like to think we did our little bit to raise the profile of sprint racing. And ultimately the essence of sponsorship and adspend is building one’s brand. Everybody knows who Var is!

How does the quality of your 2014 NYS draft compare to years gone by?
The farm never ceases to amaze me by the quality stock produced every year. We strive to produce high quality yearlings for the two major sales only. The fillies are strong again and there are some super colts. I am very chuffed with the standard! The weather has just really made it difficult this year with extreme ranges of heat and cold.

Is there one yearling that stands out this year?
Matchmaker (lot 68) is simply an outstanding colt.

Where is Val De Ra at the moment and will you be selling her progeny in SA?
She is still in the UK and is due to leave in late June for South Africa, with her weanling,a filly by Oasis Dream. We are hoping to  get her ready for the CPYS Book 1 in January.

This is a busy time for you as you build up to the sales next week. Are you a delegator with a strong team or do you have to do everything yourself?
I believe that I am a good manager  with an outstanding team. Most of the personnel here have been with me since I started a quarter century ago! So there is an understanding and they know what I like by now. I am a hard taskmaster,but people work well for me. There are no grey areas, only black and white. I might be tough but they know I will always be batting for them and supportive in their time of need. Without blowing my own trumpet, I am a totally dependable boss.

Describe a typical day in your working life.
We start work at 6am in the summer. Day starts with general stable work and in the season there are vet checks and coverings to be done. I then try to get to the vineyards by 9am to get on top of the daily tasks that need to be completed. I love doing the wines as well. I have a great assistant of many years named Hennie. Together we take care of all the vines and general maintenance of the farm, the gardens and the buildings. I try to get to the admin and restaurant by midday to tackle any issues on that side. Then I aim to be back at the stables by 3.30pm. We work long hours, particularly  during the breeding season and it is extremely rewarding. But it can also be the source of sadness at times.

You recently attended the Dubai World Cup. Describe the atmosphere and your feeling when Variety Club won?
The adrenalin rush of being part of a team that is so proudly South African is something that needs to be experienced to be understood. I was also amazed at the support and interest from so many people to get behind our horses. I personally felt so very proud to have a small link to the occasion through Var. And goodness me, Mike De Kock deserves a knighthood! He has changed our industry forever and is so accessible and a true patriot.

What are your feelings about those overseas earnings being incorporated into our local racing stats?
Why not? I suppose they should be. But then they must be included from all over the world. Imagine winners in China, Macau and Turkey, as examples. But could we manage and account for it properly?

After many years in the racing game, and having experienced it from all angles, what would you say is the one goal that keeps you motivated?
The exhilaration and achievement of breeding  Gr1 winners is what keeps me trying!

When we think Var, we think Pippa. What is the one word that describes this brilliant stallion in your heart?
KIND. He just has that unique ability to get into one’s soul!

In five words, what is the intrinsic personality difference between Var and Oratorio?
Var is the serene ruler of his kingdom. Aloof, discerning and unperturbed by triviality. Oratorio is fun and bright. He seems quite happy to be second in charge, but with a quiet relaxed ‘no worries’ attitude.

Beyond great stallions, champion mares, high quality clients and corporate integrity, what do you consider the singular factor behind the success of Avontuur?
Without doubt, it is the virgin soil and the environment. This was a virgin thoroughbred farm  when July winner Right Prerogative was born here and for the past thirty odd years we have carefully managed our land. In the last six years we have bought another fifteen ha of land and also removed vineyards as and when required.

How have Var and Oratorio changed the life of Pippa Mickleburgh?
They have changed my life and the lives of so many people, forever. I am so proud to have sourced them both. And I can be at peace in the knowledge that Avontuur Estate, left to my guidance by my dear friend the Late Tony Taberer, has a bright future with these two stallions. We can plan, we can work hard and we can compete at the highest level. All in the knowledge that we can sleep well at night. Avontuur and the lives of the Taberer family will never be the same. Our two majestic stallions rule…

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