
Brandon Morgenrood

It would be fair to say that Brandon Morgenrood has had a checkered career in racing. Having sat out a five year suspension that started off as a life ban.

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Chesney Van Zyl

The future of South African racing must surely be in excellent hands if the number of sons successfully following in their father’s footsteps is any indication.

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Warren Kennedy

Warren Kennedy is a quiet, highly intelligent jockey who takes his profession very seriously. He has recently taken the decision to make a big career move by relocating to Port Elizabeth where he is joining the powerful Gavin Smith yard.

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Keagan De Melo

Keagan de Melo represented the SA Jockey Academy at a recent international series in Qatar and a past winner of the academy Headmasters Award, he is clearly highly regarded.

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Paul Peter

Paul Peter

Although Paul Peter has only had a trainer’s licence for a very short time he has been well grounded in the game with a family

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JP vd Merwe

JP vd Merwe has made an instant impression on the racing world and if nothing goes amiss, his career looks to have a really big

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John Buckler

John Buckler served his early time as a trainer with Ormond Ferraris and gives generous praise to the man he says gave him a splendid

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Donavan Mansour

Despite deciding to become a jockey fairly late (for a jockey) Donavan has wasted no time in establishing himself as a very promising young rider. Before being accepted as an apprentice in SA he had to spend a year in New Zealand and Donavan freely admits that this was a very worthwhile and satisfying experience

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Carl Burger

Carl Burger

Although a relatively new name to the training ranks Carl Burger has had a great deal of experience in the training game. His mentor was Herman Brown (Snr) who taught Carl much of what he knows today and who inspired him to want to see what he could attain to as a trainer.

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