Party Time in the Cape

Rose Leheup

Someone said on the coach trip on Friday that South Africa has a wine lake as there is such  a surplus of wine at the moment – well,  I suspect myself and a few others will have drunk it dry by the end of this week!  Cape Town is the only place to be at the moment if you love thoroughbred racing.

I have had plenty of feedback after last weeks scribblings and it seems like the powers that be are one step ahead of me and have plans that will be publicized in the near future.  I do feel for the Gold Circle Directors as I know they work tirelessly  and I thank Vidrik Thurling for making time to talk to me on Saturday.  I have often criticized Gold Circle and to be fair I can only write what I see and know and cannot know what is going on in the planning stages.

From where I stand things have not been looking great, the people are voting with their feet and just not going racing.  Why should they?  They can watch it from the comfort of their armchair and bet on line or on the phone then cook themselves something to eat or get in Mr. Delivery.  So I say again in order to get them out of their home comforts you have to give them something they don’t get at home.

The answer to this is atmosphere, there is no atmosphere in their lounge at home.  There should have been thousands at the racing last Saturday for the Betting World Cape Flying championship. This was the sprint of the decade, a filly that has won 11 out of 12, Val de Ra, the international superstar, J J The Jet Plane and the sensational Mike Bass trained What a Winter all on the same stage. If Ascot has put a race of that quality on at home the place would be heaving and people would have had to pay at least R300 for the privilege of being there.

I don’t want to hark on about this but Kenilworth just has to be improved then we all need to do our bit and take new people racing.  I did my bit on  Saturday  and took a big punter who never actually goes racing and he thoroughly enjoyed it and will definitely be going again.  Thanks to Gold circle Directors, Vaughn Marshall and the Bass’s who made us feel welcome he will be back and will maybe buy his own horse in time.  You are all incredibly hospitable, which is why I got involved in this amazing country in the first place, but it is the standards and atmosphere at the tracks which are letting your down.  I know it takes money, but I think if you work at it you could get in new companies who might sponsor a decent wine bar or oyster bar.  Bring in a touch of class and you will get the people.

Just touched on my other pet hate now, a touch of class.  Now I am not snobby and am not advocating  Royal Ascot style dressing for every race meeting, but what has happened to standards here?  I cannot believe you allow trainers and shorts in the parade ring!  Even winning owners are leading in horses dressed in jeans and vests.  It’s horrible and drags down the tone of the place.  Surely a day at the races, especially as an owner is a great excuse for dressing up and looking good.  The horses are groomed to within an inch of their lives and look magnificent,  some of the owners and connections look like they have spent the night in the stables!

There are a few notable exceptions, Marsh and his partner Karen always look fashionable and smart, Neil Smith is the dapler English gent, Glen Kotzen and Brett Crawford are smartly suited trainers, no matter how hot it is, and the Snaiths wouldn’t look out of place at Ascot.  I guess the ones I have mentioned might just know they will have the odd winner or two, so are likely to be seen by a few thousand more on the Telly than the handful at Kenilworth, but I still think everyone else could make more of an effort.  I propose a proper dress code for all Graded meetings and enforce it at the parade ring.

You might just have to give people a bit of notice as you could have a few grumblings otherwise but I am sure after a while it would sink in, it’s just a case of keep enforcing it pleasantly.

Back to the drinking and the events this week.  I started the week last Friday with about 20 others on a coach trip to Klawervlei, Highlands and

Drakenstein.  Again this is what you are so good at here, the hospitality at each of the studs was fantastic.  As a PR exercise it is second to no other I have been on round the world.

The scenery and the studs are breathtakingly beautiful and the yearlings all looked magnificent. Mike Sharkey is a horseman of note and his crop looked absolutely magnificent, I am sure his will look amazing on the stage in Cape Town. Highlands also offer free keep for 6 months when the yearlings go back after the sale.  I took advantage of this with a Daylami colt I bought last year and it was a great bonus.  It’s of great advantage for the yearlings to go back to the place they know and I am sure reduces their stress considerably at such a crucial stage in their lives.

Drakenstein Stud has to be the most beautiful in the world, I think it even surpasses those owned by the Sheiks in Ireland and Australia.  The mountains are breathtaking and the stabes are bigger, cleaner and airier than most student flats.  I was blown away again by the beauty of Horse Chestnut, he is truly the James Bond of the horse world, arrogance, charm and huge  sex appeal. He just swaggered past us all with complete disdain.  I am so tempted to bring Discover Diamonds down from Summerhill, they would have a beautiful chestnut baby I am sure.  It’s such a pain that Articicial insemination cannot be used in the thoroughbred world as I do think the journey might just be too much for my old girl, but I am sure once rested a date with Horse Chestnut might just be worth the traveling.  I am going to particularly keep my eye on the Trippi yearlings this year and my other look outs would be the Captain Al’s and Dynasty’s. I do think a test for stallions is if you can spot their characteristics in their babies and you certainly can with those three.

I am looking forward to catching up with Mick Goss this afternoon.  We are having tea at mine and  I am going to pick Micks brains as to what he thinks can be done here.  Mick has to be the best ambassador for South African racing that you have.  His Summerhill stud is continually successful because of the team spirit and sense of belonging that Mick installs in his  staff.  Everyone is valued at Summerhill and they are all appreciated.  I value Micks opinion and he is always so positive about the sport.  If ever I need a  reminder as to why I spend far too much of my children’s inheritance on the game then I just fly up to Hartford House and have lunch with Mick. His passion and love for the horse and for racing is intoxicating and I come away  inspired.  I hope he can do the same this afternoon, as I am going through a very bad patch with my horses at the moment, having  lost one of my brood mares who was in foal to Black Minnaloushe. My only horse in training is still a maiden after 6 runs and my main hope had to be put down after suffering major stomach issues.  I’d do at least have a few on the farm that hopefully will pull me out of the doldrums , especially a lovely Jet Master colt that I bought at last years ‘Premier Sale, but I need a Mickey boost otherwise my hands might just stay in my pockets at the sales.

I will be going to Kenilworth Tuesday night with my eldest daughter for the Cocktails and Racing, although I have been warned her there are no actual cocktails to be drunk.  Strange name really if you don’t actually provide cocktails, but I am told a cocktail bar would be too costly.  How about asking Kuda insurance next year to sponsor the cocktail makers, they provided all the booze on the stud bus tour and I am sure for a good mention they would sponsor a bar for th night.  They have been great new players in the game and I know are willing to get more involved.  Although not new to racing as individuals  since setting up  Kuda insurance,  they have bought a breath of fresh air to lots of events.  Still, the Cocktails and Racing night is a very well organized charity event the attracts most of the key players in racing in Cape town and is tirelessly organized by the lovely Rodney Dunn.  That man gives so much time and energy to racing and to the charities and the evening  always raises a fantastic amount of money for charity.  I would just love some cocktails!

I thoroughly enjoyed the opening ceremony for the Sales last year and am expecting this years to be as good.  It seems like the Cape Town city council have got behind the event and realize what a boost it is for the city.  Amanda Carey has said a few glitches that they had last year with seating arrangements have been sorted out and I am sure the sale will be a great success.  It is a fantastic venue and good for horses and people.

Lots of room, lovely and cool and great facilities.  It would be good to see it advertised in the press as an event open to the public, as I am not sure that people realize they can just go and view.  I know you want people there that spend money, but if you could attract a few tourists from the Waterfront and maybe run the little shuttle of riverboats up to the convention centre you might just get one or two who decide to spend another time.  I have no doubt that the new sales company will have thought of better ideas than me as it is run by the greats in racing, so  I am sure all angles will have been covered.

Thursday and Friday I will be at the Sales.  I again will be looking for my middle distance stayers as I  much prefer the longer distances.  Not into the quick under a minute races, over too quickly.  I have seen lots I like but nearly always completely change my mind on the day and end up with something I had absolutely no intention of buying.  The ones I earmark are usually the ones other people want as well so go  out of my reach. I have my daughter with me this year to put the brakes on and she has already told me I don’t need any more horses!  Being a Marketing Manager at Microsoft she recognizes good marketing and sales so I will be asking her opinion of all the events at the end of the week and maybe I will have something constructive to say next week.

Saturday is of course the Met and better scribes will put finger to keyboard as regards what will win, I am desperate to see  Igugu and hope she runs.

Gimmethegreenlight has a great chance I think after watching him in the Queens Plate. Hassen Adams is certainly on a roll and having put so much into the game does certainly deserves his wins and glory.  Having recently met his businesswoman young daughter, Rozana, who has now joined him in his racing enterprises.  I think team Adams might just take  racing to a different level.

I  hope I will still have enough energy on Sunday to attend John Freeman’s after Met party.  I so love this wonderful occasion and have fond memories of Graham Beck completely at ease and relaxed in Johns squashy armchairs reminiscing over what had happened the day before and all the buzz and excitement over.  It is a lovely occasion to just sit and chill and to chat to old friends. John is a wonderful host and makes everyone feel at ease in his lovely home.  I am so lucky to have you all as friends and to be invited to these wonderful occasions.  Racing and the horse brings us together and long may we all enjoy it.

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