The National Horseracing Authority confirms that an Inquiry was held at the Regional Office in Port Elizabeth on 7 August 2018 and concluded on 29 May 2019.

Yvette Bremner
In a press release issued on Monday 12 August 2019, the NHA advises that trainer Mrs Y Bremner was charged with a contravention of Rules 74.1; 74.2 and 74.3, in that she was the trainer of the horse CAT IN COMMAND which ran in and won the 6th race at Fairview Racecourse on 20 November 2017, after which a urine specimen taken from the horse disclosed upon analysis the presence of Ractopamine, a forbidden substance in terms of the Rules of The National Horseracing Authority.
The NHA and Mrs Bremner were legally represented at the Inquiry.
Mrs Bremner pleaded not guilty to the charge but was found guilty of the charge.
The Inquiry Board, after considering all mitigating and aggravating factors raised during the Inquiry, imposed a fine of R175 000 (one hundred and seventy five thousand).
Furthermore, in terms of Rule 72.3.2, CAT IN COMMAND is disqualified from the said race and the provisions of Rule 67.7.8 shall apply.
Defendant’s Counsel reacts:
Cape-based Attorney Robert Bloomberg, who represented Mrs Bremner in the matter, told the Sporting Post that in his professional opinion, the judgment given in this matter ‘defies logic’ and that the fine meted out is ‘shameful and induces a sense of disbelief and shock’.
“I have strongly recommended that this matter be taken on Review to the High Court as I believe that Yvette has been appallingly treated, but such decision now vests in her obtaining the necessary financial backing. I will be issuing a more comprehensive statement in due course once I am formally instructed herein,” he added.