Cape Stipes To Go

Last meeting at Kenilworth on Wednesday

Tarquin Norval

The early retirement at the end of this week of two Western Cape Stipendiary Stewards with over a half century of service between them is bound to weaken the ranks in what is an already embattled component of the National Horseracing Authority.

The restructuring and rationalisation programme by the horseracing regulator appears to have been instituted with great haste and follows in the wake of an objection scandal last year and a breach of public confidence in the perceived competency of the policing officials – particularly in regard to the apparent inconsistency of the way the rules and regulations are implemented nationally.

The two popular and widely respected figures of Tarquin Norval and investigating officer Steve Naude are institutions and a part of the furniture in Cape racing.

Norval, an accomplished horseman and showjumper, has been in horseracing all of his working life since completing his national service in July 1977.

After joining the Natal Mercury as a racing reporter, he had stints at the Daily News and the Cape Argus, before working as a handicapper for the combined Western Province Racing Clubs of the time.

Now 61 years old, he confirmed that he had 20 years of service as a Stipe.

National Horseracing Authority“I leave with a heavy heart. I have met many wonderful people in the game and seen some great horses. It is a challenging job that I have enjoyed tremendously. I don’t intend to go too far from the game and certainly won’t be turning my back on the sport,” said Norval, who thanked his colleagues and the jockeys and trainers that were an integral part of his working life.

Steve Naude who is 62 ‘rising 63’, said that he had been with the National Horseracing Authority, or the Jockey Club as it was known, for 30 years. He had joined the SA Police Force and then joined the NHA.

“Look it is a part of my life. It is difficult packing up after what is essentially a lifetime. I am not the sort of person who can sit around and do nothing and hope that there will be an opportunity to still do my bit and share my experience and knowledge on a part-time basis.”

Both expressed a willingness to continue serving the game in a part-time capacity.

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