Justin Vermaak
I generally find public spats quite juvenile and leave them to waste away in the recycle bin of life, but I feel in this case that the public should be afforded a more rounded view of the Pietro Mascagni merit rating appeal – I was one of three members sitting on the Appeal Board – as covered on the Sporting Post website and not the one sided barrage afforded to them currently.
Unfortunately what is written/typed in print is often taken as fact without any type of fact checking done, one would hope the media house concerned would be taking care of this but drama is obviously higher up on the list, more clicks.
Ed – In a subjective matter with many role-players and stakeholders involved, it can be a never ending circle eliciting responses from all of the parties involved. Unlike many others, our platform is open to the airing of all views on the subject. We welcome Mr Vermaak’s response.