July And Queen’s Plate – Questions
Events that occurred at both the 2015 July and the 2016 Queen’s Plate have left me asking questions about the various rules that govern the sport which have a negative effect on punters
A collection of messages and opinions that our readers send us. These are the opinions of our audience and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Sporting Post.
Events that occurred at both the 2015 July and the 2016 Queen’s Plate have left me asking questions about the various rules that govern the sport which have a negative effect on punters
A wonderful time was had by all with an awesome total of R67,881.22 being raised on the evening and “rocking” entertainment to boot
The shock is that dual Gr1 winner Inara is not a nominee. I would think that this is the first time in history that a dual Gr1 winner in any Equus award category has been left off the list of nominees, suggests leading breeder
What do owners get when their horses don’t win? Do the grooms and trainers chip in towards my losses? Don’t I already pay monthly for my horse to be trained? Should the grooms not be paid by the trainers out of the training fee?
Racing is full of interesting characters and Laff is one of them. In his TV appearances he brings a much-needed lighthearted approach to a sport many take too seriously
A bumper weekend of high-class horseracing was spoilt for a longstanding punter when his eft transfer failed to reach his Telebet account. Read his story from the perspective of an industry stakeholder – and Gold Circle’s response. Should it be a balance between customer service and doing turnover – or ultimate containment of costs?
Top 3yo filly has the Maine Chance Gr1 Paddock Stakes as a target next season after an operation following her below-par effort in the Daily News
This short note was delivered to the Sporting Post Mailbag earlier today. We have opted to withhold the writer’s name.
A reader poses a few betting maths questions and suggests that In a game that seriously needs to hold on to its existing followers, and attract newcomers, poor payouts are not helping.
Does his heart skip a beat when he opens a race-card? How much does he wager a week and how many times a week does he punt? Does he own or has he ever bought a racehorse and paid keep? A reader asks Maps to open up…
Just before I attended the race meeting I went for a bite to eat at one of the local restaurants right outside Greyville. We were lucky to get a table! Just goes to show that people are out there spending their hard-earned cash
Big race sponsors Hollywoodbets have set the pace in the pre-nominations ante-post betting market for the 2025 Hollywoodbets Durban July with defending champion Oriental Charm topping the opening board
In our weekly column entitled Time Is Money, we look at some of the past weekend’s highlights, including some slow-run Grade 1 contests at Turffontein