“Please note that the Tellytrack Live Audio Service will be offline until further notice. For further information kindly contact [email protected] for more information .”
The above was because of an investigation into piracy, I read .
I emailed the contact but received no reply.
Hong Kong has live audio racing in 3 languages? Why? To promote their racing!
Hong Kong I believe has the toughest racing regulations in the world.
For transparency I find it hard to believe that piracy would be a reason to take the audio off air. How does this help the investigation?
With today’s digital world how do you stop anyone from pirating audio in particular & video?
I listen to the audio because the four pay TV racing I have do not give me sufficient racing information for each race. Sometimes I get replays, Australia really has too many races broadcast.
In Australia the premise seems to be more races for more betting turnover –without betting information it will fail. There are several ways in which betting turnover can be achieved in using the audio & visual media more effectively.
If I do not have available the racing information South African Racing punters have I am at a disadvantage. My betting in South African races has dropped 60-70% since the audio went offline.
When I bet on a South African race I believe it gets back some form of fees.
I find Julie Alexander the best commentator because she gives a rundown from each of the horses trainers or connections. In tipping she gives the names & numbers-which is easier to jot down. She is better than most of the commentators here in Australia.
If South African racing wants to be competitive internationally it needs to provide the international punter information and one of the ways is racing audio.
USA racing has been introduced in the past few days here in Australia-without information its turnover will remain neglible.
Will the South African Racing Audio get back on line? If so When? I tried contacting the National Horseracing Authority on the Phumelela website, Mr de Kock & Mr Pillay, but my email was returned. Just a view from overseas. I enjoy listening to and betting on SA racing.Best Wishes,
Gus Lee
Australia (via email)