I cannot express my thanks enough to all who supported the Paul Lafferty Benefit Fundraiser held at the Barnyard Theatre on 20 August 2015 in Cape Town and especially to all who kindly made donations and contributions to the fundraising event as well as directly into the Benefit Fund, co-ordinated by Dereck Ramsay, writes Anonymous to the SP Mailbag.
A wonderful time was had by all with an awesome total of R67,881.22 being raised on the evening and “rocking” entertainment to boot.

Paul Lafferty – many friends and supporters in the game
A special thanks must be made to Grant Knowles for his contribution of MC’ing on the evening, ticket sales and support of the auction on the evening as well as Klawervlei Stud for their donation of a Captain Of All service and a table at the 2016 J&B Met.
To my good mate, Robbie Champion for giving his time and driving the ticket sales, Equine Edge for their kind donation of 3 original signed prints, and finally my family for all their help and support in organising and co-ordinating this event.
The breakdown of the funds raised are shown above.
Once more, my most sincere thanks to all.
Your’s in Racing.
(Ed- name withheld on request)