More Met Moans

Racing Association apologises to Life Member

I would like to convey my utter disgust with the way club members were treated on Met day, writes Johann Kruger.

River JetezI am a life member, having joined the old South African Turf Club in 1980.

I go racing most Saturdays and never missed a Met until a few years ago when the cost of a booking escalated from R450 per person to nearly R1,000.

For the 2015 Met my fellow club members and I decided to come to the races early to try and secure a good table in the Pocket Power room, which we understood was supposed to be a non booking venue for the exclusive use of club and RA members.

This was the arrangement in previous years and I can’t recall having received any notification from the club that this had been changed. We arrived at the course at 10h.00 and had to convince the security personnel that as members we did not require wrist bands to enter the premises. However it turned out that the Pocket Power room now also required pre-booking so there was nowhere for members to sit.

We were actually informed that we were welcome to the grassed area in front of the Stand or at the few round tables placed in the stairwell (where there is one TV screen on display). We could scarcely believe our ears, turned around in disgust and went back home where we could at least watch proceedings in some comfort.

RA CEO Larry Wainstein - where is the official view?

RA CEO Larry Wainstein

During the afternoon coverage I heard Larry Wainstein describe how the RA was trying to get the message across that horse racing was a sport like any other. If he was hoping to solicit new members to come racing I have news for him.

With the treatment the racing faithful are receiving these days they won’t be members for long.

Finally, whose bright idea was it to erect a great marquee right next to the track thereby effectively blocking the view of the home straight from ground to second floor?


The Racing Association responds:

Racing AssociationThanks for giving us the opportunity to respond to this communication.

There was an agreement that persons displaying their RA Members badge would be allowed access to the racecourse. 

The Racing Association did take bookings for RA Members in the Paddock Room which is the Members facility. 

Other than that, bookings were done by Phumelela and/or the sponsors.

We apologise to the writer for any inconvenience caused to him on Met day.

Ed – no response received as yet from Phumelela or Kenilworth Racing.

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