Plenty Of Variety

Joey Ramsden on the festive mood at Milnerton


Welwitschia. Boarding with us prior to the Kenilworth feature

Welwitschia. Boarding with us prior to the Kenilworth feature

We are awaiting the arrival from Johannesburg of Mike de Kock’s Welwitschia, which will board with us for a few days before her big race at the weekend. Fingers crossed she travels well. 

I cannot even mention myself in the same breath as Mike de Kock when it comes to travelling but, having being lucky enough to receive the majority of his raiders over the years (Whistle Stop not being one of them) I can tell you that there are only two things that happens to them: they either travel well or they don’t – there is no in between. They either get off the truck leaping like lions or they get off as miserable as sin and can be as sick as a dog. Fingers crossed it is the first and the filly travels like a dream.

I think the most prolific example of a horse which travelled down well from Johannesburg was Domino Man.  He got off the truck like no horse I have ever seen before. It was literally like someone had locked this horse in a stable for a week and suddenly decided to let him out.  In all my time, I have never seen a horse travel so well. He subsequently proved it by beating that great horse, Dynasty, in the Guineas.  In the back of my mind, while Dynasty was a machine and Domino Man was never quite as good as him, I remember thinking on the day that it was no surprise he beat him after seeing the way he had travelled.

Talking of travelling, I have been in touch with Mike in Dubai and jockey Andrew Nienaber, who was sent to look after Variety Club.  Andrew rode most of Variety Club’s work before he departed these shores. He was an absolute godsend and was extremely accurate as to the horse’s well-being, whether it be in fitness or mental moods. When I asked Andrew if he would go over to Dubai and help us prepare Variety Club, I gave a huge sigh of relief when he willingly agreed to do so.  Andrew says the horse has settled in well. He is no longer looking around and is putting his head down, working hard and enjoying life. One can have no idea how much it means to me to get that type of first hand feedback. By all accounts, Mike’s horses are doing well but they are not really my business and I am not privy to any information regarding how they are doing.

Variety Club, while having a couple of minor injuries while travelling, is not quite as forward as some of the other raiders but is certainly well enough to start doing some fast work within the next week or so. Hopefully, I will soon be going over to join him.

Whilst doing my Guineas report , I failed to mention what a fantastic job I thought my wife, Fee, did doing the television interviews in some very different circumstances. She has come up with some really innovative ideas to try and brighten things up. Whilst Stan, Vicky and Grant et al all do a great job, it never hurts to have a fresh face and fresh input. I know Fee was extremely grateful to Heather, Grant and Dieter Wolhberg for all their help.  I thought the show they put on was innovate and entertaining and added a new dimension to the race day experience.

While others are thinking of going off and enjoying their Christmas, it is heads down and hard work for all, particularly my assistants who decided not to take time off over the Christmas period. It is very much appreciated. Having said that, whilst sitting down and eating my supper the other day, my missus came up with the idea of how nice it would be to go back for the UK for Christmas, both of us having originally come from there.

I am too embarrassed to divulge my age but I can tell you, I have not spent Christmas in the UK since I was 16 (almost 29 years ago).  While I genuinely don’t hanker for the miserable weather and all that comes with it, it would be nice to see all the family together. However, as we all get older, it is difficult to get families together even in this age of modern technology and transport.  This has been eloquently proven by the spectacular British Airways pilot who managed to run the wing of his jumbo jet through the roof of a building at O R Tambo airport in Johannesburg.  One has to say that next time one steps aboard one cannot help but worry when the pilot has forgotten exactly how wide his 747 is. It does not matter in which class one is travelling. It will be no joy ride next time I climb aboard. Who would want to be him when he finally returns to Heathrow?  One thing is for certain: I am sure he will not be piloting the returning aircraft!  I don’t think he will be enjoying his turkey and gammon with any relish this Christmas day.

As you well know, I am extremely keen football fan and I have long been a closet Everton fan, even more so now that Roberto Martinez has switched from Wigan to the Toffees. I love watching them win and am extremely excited about the way they have been performing this year in the Premier League. They are one of the best teams to view and enjoy, something that Martinez has managed to do so far with all his sides. One can almost say that he has shown David Moyes up, someone whom I was convinced would become United’s manager and was one of my rare winning bets last year to predict correctly. Now, sadly, being a West Ham fan through and through, as we all know, some things in life are hard work and tough to swallow. At the moment, being an alleged Happy Hammer is not happy at all.

Whilst they might have injuries and a few other problems, their biggest crime of all is being absolute cr*p to watch. They are not entertaining in any aspect whatsoever. There is only so many times one can PVR the home Upton Park/Boleyn Ground song “I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles” by the crowd. In fact, I have even found myself singing, when the game starts, “I’m Forever Chewing and Loving Toffee”. It is getting worse and worse and more often than not I am picking blue from my wardrobe rather than the beloved claret.

It is the crazy season after all and I hope it can only get better.

My Best wishes over the Festive period to all.

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