Saturday’s Jockey Challenge is a good example of how our half-baked racing administrators don’t look after sponsors or create any genuine hype around any event for the racing public.
Puzzled writes in the Sporting Post mailbag that we are almost 24 hours after Hayley Turner wrapped it up.
The racing it’s a rush website carries no news of the event.
There are no pics anywhere – other than one posed shot on Facebook.

Pic from RIAR FB page
Some of us work on a Saturday – we missed it.
Where are the pics of the lovely Hayley Turner signing autographs for an excited Joe Public , or the international team celebrating victory by spraying champagne and showing their delight? What places did they visit? What do they feel about our country? Or is it just a private party?
Tabnews have a short report giving the scores – yet don’t even refer to the sponsors – they call it the International Jockey Challenge.
I saw the Sporting Post lead in story – it says it was called the World Sports Betting International Jockey Challenge supported by Sun International and Air Mauritius.
I would love to hear what World Sports Betting, Sun International and Air Mauritius feel about the ‘hype’ associated with their event – whatever they coughed up for it.
In this age of social media, news is now – on Monday when somebody works up the energy to issue a statement, it’s stale – we are interested in something else.
My son is in Grade 12 – as a marketer, he could do a better job.