Peter Morrison of Martin Collins SA, visited Greyville on 16 January 2018 to carry out the quarterly track report.
Gold Circle reports in a press release issued on 1 February, that Mr Morrison also met with a few jockeys who had recently raised concerns regarding the ‘kick-back’ and suggestions that the Polytrack was too ‘soft’.
Numerous samples from around the track have been taken for analysis and as it is now in the 3-5 year period the track could be due for a ‘top-up’.
With the heavy rainfalls, ‘leaching’ could have taken place and a lot of the binding material of the track could now be sitting on the base pad.

Flashback to 2014 Greyville Polytrack Trials – Martin Collins, Neil Butcher and Graeme Hawkins
It has been agreed that the track be turned ‘on its head’ i.e. lift all the material off the asphalt base and bring it to the top and re-mix with the power harrow. The lower pad has not been touched since the track was laid. Simultaneously, the track will be re-levelled.
“In order to facilitate the maintenance programme of the Polytrack, the racemeeting scheduled for Greyville on 14 February 2018, has been switched to Scottsville” said Raf Sheik, Gold Circle Racing Executive.