It is all systems go at Greyville for Wednesday’s meeting on the Polytrack following urgent maintenance work.

Track action on Friday (Pic – Warren Lenferna)
Peter Morrison of Martin Collins SA, who installed the track four years ago, recently met with jockeys following concerns regarding the ‘kick-back’ and suggestions that the Polytrack was too ‘soft’ and not level in places.
Samples were taken and sent for analysis overseas. As the all-weather surface was in its 3-5 year period, it was agreed that it was due for a ‘top-up’.

Track action on Friday (Pic – Warren Lenferna)
In a busy few weeks, the track has been turned ‘on its head’ with all the material off the asphalt base brought to the top and re-mixed with the power harrow. The lower pad had not been touched since the track was laid. The track has also been re-levelled.

Track action on Friday (Pic – Warren Lenferna)
Greyville Track Manager Kurt Grunewald told Gold Circle Publishing’s Warren Lenferna on Friday that maintenance was well in progress and that the full schedule of work would be completed by late that afternoon.
“We will complete a thorough race day prep early next week and then it’s all systems go for the Wednesday meeting,” added Grunewald.