Good News – NHA Opts For Rules Transparency

Web-based system suggest change from draconian process

In a media release published on Wednesday, the National Horseracing Authority advises that they have deliberated over the past year as to the most appropriate inclusive and effective consultation process to follow when amending and/or adopting new rules as provided for in the NHA’s constitution.

Notwithstanding clauses 5.3, 5.4 and 16.2.1 of the NHA’s constitution, which grant sole authority to the National Board to deal with amendments and adoption of new rules, the National Board resolved at its meeting on 4 November 2022 to adopt what it sees as an improved process of consultation with its members and all stakeholders when exercising its aforesaid mandate.

The Board decided to adopt a comprehensive notice and comment procedure, as opposed to consulting only with representatives of select groups.

The revised process in essence will see the NHA publish on its website, and elsewhere to the extent deemed appropriate, any proposed amendment and/or new rules, together with an explanation as to what purpose the NHA seeks to achieve by such changes and/or new rules.

Any person or organisation that has any interest in the subject matter will be at liberty to make written submissions within the allotted timeframe that will also be published.

Whilst it is important to note that any comments submitted would not necessarily have the effect of resulting in the proposed rule or amendment being changed, all submissions will be considered by the Rules Committee.  The Rules Committee is a subcommittee of the National Board and will comprise solely of National Board Directors and Executives.

No invitees will be in attendance at the Rules Committee meetings, however, the Rules Committee may engage with any person or entity, which made a submission, for the purposes of clarity or amplification of their submission.

After this consultation process is completed, the Rules Committee will collate all submissions and upon due deliberation make a recommendation to the National Board on such amendment and/or new rule. The National Board may then approve, with or without modification, or reject the recommendation from the Rules Committee, whereafter its decision will be published on the NHA website and further disseminated as deemed appropriate.

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This new process will require certain information technology (“IT”) upgrades to the website, as all submissions will be web-based in order to ensure proper and complete tracking of submissions in the required format.

The National Board, in approving this process, is firmly of the view that this is the best process to follow when consulting with the industry by allowing all interested and affected persons and stakeholders, including the betting public, to be heard.

National Horseracing Authority

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