The prestige and weight carried by South Africa’s annual national horseracing awards, Equus, is unquestioned. An Equus award has often been likened to an Oscar in the movie industry.

Equus Awards
While Gr1 performance is accepted as the benchmark by which many of the categories are decided, certain of the individual sectors this year again are very tight.
But a question has been raised – and we need to ask it.
Why is there no Cape representation on the esteemed panel of judges?
The Equus Committee comprises Larry Wainstein (Chairman), Clyde Basel and Graeme Hawkins. They were emailed for a comment and none has been forthcoming.
The judges panel is Andrew Harrison, Matthew Lips, Roger Smith, Jay Harrielall, Robert Garner, Graeme Hawkins, Nico Kritsiotis and Larry Wainstein (non voting chairperson).

Larry Wainstein
All of these men are passionate racing people with impeccable credentials.
But why no Capie? It is not as if there isn’t somebody with the insight and knowledge to make a meaningful contribution and add to the credibility of the process there!
The event is scheduled to be covered live on Tellytrack (Dstv 239) on 16 August.