The incompetence and lack of decorum displayed by supposed leadership elements within the Gold Circle structures was borne out again with a disgraceful display of poor taste by the panel at the Cocktails &Racing Evening last Tuesday evening.
I note that Tellytrack showed the recording once or twice and then censored it by dropping the show, without another word to us dim wit viewers.
The Panel included the current members of the Gold Circle Board and while they may not all have been personally party to the stupidity, they are all equally complicit by association. Laughing at others’ expense is just not funny.
These grown men behaving badly must have also had the tireless Rodney Dunn seething as his organisation has done excellent charity work over many years. Dunn is too much of a gentleman to associate himself with this joke and I would not be surprised to see Cocktails and Racing disappear quietly into the mists of time. Maybe the Owners Association should conduct a poll and find out what the people really think!
While on the subject of incompetence, I dropped in to my local betting shop to put my Place pot on and was made to wait while a few heavy handed females resembling the KGB interrogated the tote teller, who was visibly uncomfortable. On enquiry afterwards I was informed that this was a routine audit. Manners and timing would be lovely. This team turned up on the off of the popular exotic bet and customers were just made to wait their turn.
I have been visiting your lovely country for some years and have always harboured this nagging reluctance to get involved beyond a casual visit to the races.
I am starting to realise why.
by email, A Popham-Lewis