Ever since South Africa became the S in BRICS (the others being Brazil, Russia, India and China) I’ve been wondering how long it would take our local horse racing industry to appreciate the potential. The Brazilians have a long-standing racing and breeding culture, so there must be opportunities there. But the big cherry, surely, is exporting horses to the gambling mad, racing obsessed Chinese.
Like the hidden legs of a serenely swimming duck, frantic activity isn’t always apparent. But just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening, Over many years in business as a player and very interested spectator, I’ve realised that tomorrow’s “overnight success” has often been a long, long time in the making. Moneyweb’s Apps are the most obvious current example; we’ve been at them for 18 months now, but that much won’t be apparent to anyone when they’re released in a couple weeks.