James Goodman and Sandra De Oliviera named their breeding venture Kilimanjaro Bloodstock, after the first horse owned by Goodman’s parents in 1965.
“I think I’d just gone to high school and they bought this grey horse trained for them by CL van Niekerk. When he won his first race he beat a runner trained by JF Coetzee who’d been the sales-topper at Nationals that year!”
Kilimanjaro has one yearling at the Cape Premier Yearling Sale on Wednesday and Goodman said: “He’s by Querari from a mare by War Pass (USA), who won the 2007 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile and was the top sire in the States in his first year but died shuttling. The mare herself could run a bit, we bought her in Australia but she broke down after winning a race.
“Our colt is Casanova King (Lot 120) a tall and leggy sort. He was raised at Eugene Freeman’s Boland Stud and needs more time, he was perhaps not quite ready for the sale but he will develop into a beautiful horse, he has plenty of scope. This is the first time we had an opportunity to sell so we’re giving it a go!”