Anthony Andrews, who rode four winners for the Patrick Merven stable at the Champ De Mars in July and came perilously close to entering the island Hall Of Fame, has seen his overseas adventure end in frustration.
The National Horseracing Authority of Southern Africa confirms that a formal application was made by Jockey Anthony Andrews that the finding and penalty handed down by the Horseracing Division of Mauritius at an Inquiry held on 24 August 2022 and subsequently upheld at an Appeal in Mauritius on 6 October 2022, not be reciprocated by The National Horseracing Authority in terms of Rule 91.1.3.

Anthony Andrews (Pic – Chase Liebenberg)
This application was heard at the offices of the NHA in Johannesburg on 16 November 2022.
- Background:
Jockey Andrews was found guilty of a contravention of Rule 208(a) of the Horse Racing Division of Mauritius. The particulars being that as the Rider of CHARLIE SQUADRON in Race 2 on 20 August 2022, held at Champs de Mars Racecourse, he failed to take all reasonable and permissible measures throughout the running of the race in order to ensure that this horse was given a full opportunity to win or obtain the best possible placing.
Mr Andrews was suspended for a period that includes 24 Mauritian Race Meetings.
The Members of the Committee appointed to consider the application were Messrs Arnold Hyde, Lyle Anderson and Lennon Maharaj in terms of the provisions of Rule 91.1.3.
After careful consideration of the records of the Inquiry and Appeal and the video footage of the riding of CHARLIE SQUADRON by Jockey Andrews in this race from various angles, the Committee ruled that there were no compelling reasons why The National Horseracing Authority should interfere with the finding and penalty meted out in this matter under the Rules of the Horse Racing Division of Mauritius.
The penalty of a suspension of 24 Mauritian Race meetings stands and the suspension period will be structured in accordance with the Racing Programme in South Africa, under the Rules of The National Horseracing Authority. Accordingly, Jockey Andrews is suspended upon the finalisation of the Appeal in respect of CHARLIE SQUADRON from (19 October 2022 to 6 February 2023).
Furthermore, The National Horseracing Authority was requested to reciprocate other penalties meted out to Jockey Andrews during the period that he rode in Mauritius as detailed below:
CARTEL BOSS (Race 6 on 17 September 2022) where Mr Andrews was found guilty of a contravention of Rule 208 (d). He withdrew his appeal and was suspended for 5 Mauritian Race Meetings. This suspension period will run consecutively to that of the above penalty relating to the CHARLIE SQUADRON matter (7 February 2023 to 5 March 2023).
PADRE PIO (Race 6 on 20 August 2022) where Mr Andrews was found guilty of a contravention of Rule 208 and at an Appeal which was dismissed, he was suspended for 3 Mauritian Race Meetings. This suspension period will run consecutively to that of the above penalty relating to the CARTEL BOSS matter (6 March 2023 to 20 March 2023).
VAR’S ELUSION (Race 7 on 17 September 2022) where Mr Andrews was found guilty of a contravention of Rule 208 (d) and at an Appeal which was dismissed, he was suspended for 3 Mauritian Race Meetings. This suspension period will run consecutively to that of the above penalty relating to the PADRE PIO matter (21 March 2023 to and including 4 April 2023).
- CHARLIE SQUADRON 19 October 2022 to 6 February 2023 (111 days) Rule 91.1.3 applied
- CARTEL BOSS 7 February 2023 to 5 March 2023 (27 days) Rule 91.1.3 does not qualify
- PADRE PIO 6 March 2023 to 20 March 2023 (15 days)
- VAR’S ELUSION 21 March 2023 to 4 April 2023 (15 days)
- Media release by NHA on Thursday 17 November 2022