The BSA National 2yo Sale starts at 12h00 today when the first of the day’s 140 lots will go through the ring.
The second day on Saturday starts at 11h00 with #141 and will go through to the final lot, #316.
The minimum bid is R15 000 and the sale is anticipated to progress at the rate of 30 lots per hour.
The sale may be viewed live – please click here
The Sporting Post’s lot-by-lot preview may be found by clicking here
A reminder that the Raceform Buyers Guide is a detailed summary of the dam and siblings of the 316 lots on offer.
The guide gives insight as to what to expect of the youngsters in terms of class, stamina, sale price.
It’s essential reading for the prospective buyer.
Please click here to find the BSA National 2yo Sale Buyers Guide