
Sporting Post columnists share their opinions and insights into horse racing from South Africa and around the world. They are experts who have a deep understanding of the sport of kings, enjoy their thoughtful and fresh articles.

Singapore Suits Me-Literally!

I decided a new suit was in order for the big day and Barend Vorster kindly referred me to his tailor. The original quote increased – no doubt my suit used up more material than Barend’s…

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Paying More – For Nothing!

The arrival on my desk of an increase in the levy for the import of horses completely knocked me out.Thankfully Ricardo was on hand with some smelling salts to revive me

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Greg Bortz with Gavi Rosenfeld

How To Be Happy

If happiness is indeed a twin, perhaps it’s not too fanciful to imagine that, just occasionally, it rides on the back of a horse.

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I’m An Afghan Fan!

I am getting my blanket, growing my beard and throwing all alcohol out of my house as I will be cheering home Afghanistan in all their might and glory

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Try Eating Molten Lava!

From a personal angle, I have settled in well here and although the constant humidity is something to get used to, especially for a slim and trim guy like me, I am loving every minute of it

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A Jockey’s Guide To Survival

Like all good things, good agents are on the endangered species list and most are over-rated. Try to find the best one you can. These days, agents don’t really get you business, this is a total misconception

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Harry's Son

The Kentucky Derby Impact

Past winners include champions such as Northern Dancer, Seattle Slew and Sunday Silence, as well as the highly successful sires Count Fleet Pleasant Colony and Unbridled, but is the Kentucky Derby a reliable pointer for success at stud?

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Yogas Govender

Yogas Govender

Yogas Govender is almost universally well-liked and was probably summed up best on the podium of the 2013 J&B Met when Stan Elley called him “one of the nicest people in racing.”

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Horse Chestnut

Horse Chestnut

The magnificent chestnut had no rivals on the race track and one can only wonder what he may have achieved

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