
Sporting Post columnists share their opinions and insights into horse racing from South Africa and around the world. They are experts who have a deep understanding of the sport of kings, enjoy their thoughtful and fresh articles.

Living and Learning

LANCE BENSON: There is no evidence to suggest that smaller fields translate into smaller multi-leg exotic pools. In fact there appears evidence to suggest the opposite!

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Classic sirelines

SARAH WHITELAW: What has happened to the great classic sirelines and why do they seem to be fading into history?

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Ups and Downs

Jockey musical chairs and some great performances on the track skew the Gr2 Selangor Cup picture

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All I Want For Christmas

ROBYN LOUW: This weekend is a big one in the EC racing calendar. On Friday, Fairview hosts the RA Stakes and generously allows the energetic Dorrie Sham and her team to use the rest of the day to raise funds for the EC Horse Care Unit.

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The Very Best Intentions

LANCE BENSON: The International Jockeys’ Challenge has attracted so much attention from so many with so many fingers being pointed at so few but we have got to learn, laugh and move on now.

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Challenge Accepted

There are several sides to every story. I’ve refrained from saying anything in my columns that might affect the international jockeys challenge. However, as Mr Wainstein has seen fit to make some fairly bold statements on national television no less, I have decided that he warrants a public response.

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Here And Elsewhere

With the year 2012 fast drawing to an end, it is a good time to take a look back at some of racing’s stars, who tend to be overlooked – the broodmares.

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Nothing’s Forever

We don’t wish to criticise what is a thankless decision to make. But if one looks at where the contact occurred and the distance from the line, then it could just as well have gone the other way.

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